[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Fr[/color][color=tomato]ick[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://i.giphy.com/CwPXBj6TN0F4Q.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Infirmary >> Shower Room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other, Maria, Kris [hr][b]Interaction Tags:[/b] [@Nallore][/center][hr] Crossing his arms across his chest, Victor stared down Richard as he in turn glowered at Victor. There was nothing but agitation in Richard's eyes but Victor did not flinch. [color=khaki]"You know that it is true, Dick. I 'ave seen 'ow you are with 'er."[/color] Victor's voice was far softer than the look on his face and his natural accent rolled far clearer than it had earlier that day. [color=khaki]"You are not as 'ard as you claim to be, monsieur. Come with me, save 'er life. Be the bigger man."[/color] He was practically begging at this point. What Richard didn't know was that Victor already knew that Maria was dying. There was nothing he could do for her and wanted to give young Kris a chance to be alone with Maria when the time came. It was all he could do for the poor girl. His chest used to ache at points like this but in this world? He was lucky to feel a pang if anything. Richard rubbed his nose with the flat of his thumb and scratched underneath his chin, his fingers pulling through his beard as he rolled his eyes and slowly sat forward. His elbows rested on his knees and he looked up to Victor with his brow touching the bridge of his nose he was frowning so hard. [color=tomato]"Listen Doc, ya've done me a solid and that's cool but ya ain't makin' me do shit for that little cock hatin' slag in there, ya here me?"[/color] Taking a deep breath and throwing his hands up in the air, Victor walked forward and moved his face to within an inch of Richard's. Richard flinched backwards and glared at Victor. [color=tomato]"The fuck ya doin', Frog Legs?"[/color] [color=khaki]"I am wondering 'ow someone that 'olds the interest of Miss Zoie could have such teeny tiny balls."[/color] A tiny smirk quirked at corners of Victor's mouth and he stood back up and raised an eyebrow at Richard. [color=tomato]"Jus' what the fuck are ya tryin' to say, eh?"[/color] If Richard wasn't so beaten up he'd have stood upright and grabbed the front of the smarmy fucking doctors shirt and been so far in his face that they'd be smelling each others breath for weeks. [color=khaki]"I am saying that Miss Zoie 'olds me in 'igh regard. She listens to me. You think she'll stay interested in you if I don't like you? I saved 'er life. Think about it."[/color] Victor then turned on his heel and began to walk out of the shower room. Richard clenched his hands into fist and tapped his right foot on the floor rapidly in succession before groaning loudly and grunting his way up onto his feet. He was still in agony but he could just barely stand under his own steam. [color=tomato]"Fuckin' wait ya snail suckin' bastard. Take me downstairs."[/color] Victor beamed and walked forward and grabbed the packs off of Richard's wheelchair before slinging them on the back of it, letting them hang from the handlebars. [color=khaki]"Thank you, you won't regret this. I swear."[/color] Richard snorted and sat himself into the chair that was presented to him. [color=tomato]"Too late, big guy, I already do."[/color] Unsure how to respond to this latest exclamation, Victor wheeled Richard down to the infirmary again and quietly entered the room only to see that Maria had grown much worse, much quicker than he had anticipated. He may have known that it was too late but he didn't realise that the plasma was not going to be of any use to her at all. He thought it might, on a good day, buy them some time but no such luck. Typical. Kris was still with Maria when the two men reached the infirmary and Victor wheeled Richard inside and set him to the side of the door before standing in front of him, blocking him from view. Richard rolled his eyes and hid his smile behind his hand as he saw how bad Maria now was. If he laughed at her dying then no one in this damn town would want him to stick around. He only had so much likeability to him before people would discover how much of an asshole he really was. If he lost his cool now and laughed? He'd need to find another way to have the town keep him around. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=peru]Agnes Brynja Johannsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/51/7c/dc/517cdc6d78c17ba7d5106c18a985f382.jpg[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Gates [b]Interacting With:[/b] Ash and Zoie, Astrid, Bridgette, Neisha and Sophia by proxy.[hr][b][Interaction Tags:[/b] [@Sigil] [@Lady Amalthea] [@Caits] [@Nallore][/center][hr] Bryn raised an eyebrow and watched as the red head lost her shit once they reached the gates. She clearly had no concept of this world if she thought a bunch of strangers would let you inside their safety bubble if you rant and rave like a fucking lunatic. Bryn just kept quiet through the whole ordeal, she new what was on their backs but she figured she could out run it on her bike if needed. She wasn't really tied to this group if she wasn't going inside the walls with them so it was still a valid option. Bridgette then began to talk for the group. Fair enough. Bryn was sure that it was the broad on the wagon that was the leader out of the two Valkyrjur. Bryn would just try to be more vigilant next time. Granted it was fun listening to this Bridgette telling these new strangers how it was. She even smiled a little bit and a small snort of laughter snuck out but not loud enough for anyone to really hear. As soon as Bryn heard the broken soldier say that they had to hand over their weapons she froze in place and tensed up. She watched as the others spoke and moved forward as a group and began to give up their weapons. Bryn did not follow suit. For the first time since she had met any of the others in the group besides Bridgette, Bryn spoke. [color=peru]"Ya think I'm 'bout to jus' give my weapons up to a bunch o' strangers just 'cause ya got some walls? How do we know ya ain't gonna jus' smack us o'er the head when we get in there and take all our blood from us since ya bein' all creepy like and asking us for blood samples. Ya a bunch of vampires or what?"[/color] She was firm in her words, her Macon accent coming out as she spoke. She certainly wasn't happy about giving up her weapons and she didn't need to go inside the walls exactly... it would just make her life a whole lot easier but she was no push over either.[hr]