[hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Kristina Smith[/h1][/color] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/degrassi/images/1/13/Tumblr_ltnhi45qtd1qlsqeq.gif/revision/latest?cb=20111027041011[/img] [i]Location: Newnan Infirmary Interacting With: [@Charnobylisk] Victor & Richard. [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Kristina stood there trying her best to stop the bleeding just as Victor instructed her to hold the bandages as tightly as she could, she would see Ashton poking his head into the room every now and then. She turned her attention back to Maria, she started to see her sister's breathing getting slower and slower with each breath until finally Maria took her last breath. Kristina quickly laid her head on Maria's chest she couldn't hear a heart beat or anything that would show that she was still alive. [color=cyan]"No please Maria don't leave!"[/color] Kristina said as she tried to shake her sister's now dead body, she didn't get any response as tears streamed down her face she now lost her sister for a second time. Just hours after her and Lorna were reunited together within the same day, she lost Lorna as well, leaving her completely alone Kristina her hands slowly started to shake as she took out her knife she didn't want to see Maria turn into one of them. [color=cyan]"I'm so, so sorry Mar.."[/color] Kristina said as she tilted Maria's head to the side, she would let out another cry as she thrusted her knife into the back of Maria's head. She never would have thought to do that to her own sister, Kris slowly pulled the knife out and would let it fall down onto the floor. Kristina slowly slumped down onto the floor bringing her hands to her face and started to weep she was the last member of her family now, her sister was the only person she trusted along with Lorna. Kristina slowly stood up again staring down at Maria's body she slowly ran a hand through Maria's hair she knew that her sister wouldn't be suffering anymore. And if she survived she would have been in a lot of pain and she wouldn't be able to carry her bow or survive long enough with one arm. She reached for [url=http://cdn.supadupa.me/shop/3360/images/1317058/large_(12)_grande.jpg]Maria's necklace[/url] and then slowly started searching Maria's pockets until she finally pulled out an old faded picture. [color=cyan]"She's gone Doc.."[/color] Kristina said as walked past the door and saw and glared at Richard. [color=cyan]"I hope your fucking happy now.."[/color] Kristina said bitterly. She headed out of the courthouse Kristina couldn't be in there anymore she looked up seeing the sun starting to set as the people of Newnan were still scrambling around doing various jobs. Kristina headed around the building to find a place where she could be alone, she found an alley and sat down on the floor, she looked around and could see Meghna and Sidd they looked like they were related. Kristina felt jealous seeing the two of them together Maria and Lorna were now dead and now she was alone Kristina slowly took out the picture, Maria's necklace and Lorna's dogtags and stared at them she. [color=cyan]"I should have convinced you to not even run out like that you could still be alive now.."[/color] Kristina said to herself, then a girl around Maria's age saw Kristina sitting there carrying a bottle of water and some food and offered it to her. "Here miss." She said, only to have them be smacked out of her hands. [color=cyan]"Leave me alone!"[/color] Kristina wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone and just glared at the girl as she went to pick it up setting it close to Kristina figuring that she needed sometime to herself. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz6a2yPHwX1rpoqpfo6_500.gif[/img] [i]location: Westside Baptist Church, Smokey Road then Newnan outside of inner wall. Interacting With: [@Caits] Niesha Burkstien, [@Lady Amalthea] Astrid Hansen & Zoie Crawford, [@Sigil] Bridgette Vinters & Ashton Holloway &[@Charnobylisk] Agnes Brynja Johannsson [/i][/center] [hr][hr] Sophia was barely hearing any of the conversation between her newly formed group and the people on the walls, she slowly started to lose consciousness now just starting to feel the affects of the shock of losing her left hand. Sophia's hand slowly slipped out of Neisha's hand just as she left the wagon to remove her weapons. Sophia still had on her person her machete AR15, hunting knife, as well as her glock handgun she was losing her strength to stay awake now. Sophia could barely see the walkers in the distance as she finally closed her eyes and body going limp.