Here you go, in its copy/paste glory! Probably needs retuning. [hider=Light][center][color=Lightblue][h1]Light[/h1][/color] [img]Character Image: Real Life Images Only[/img] [i]"[color=lightblue]Do you wanna have a Bad Time?[/color]"[/i] [.hr][.hr] [color=Lightblue][h1][sub]Dossier[/sub][/h1][/color][/center] [color=lightblue][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Light Void [color=Lightblue][b][u]Alias:[/u][/b][/color] Light [color=lightblue][b][u]Codename:[/u][/b][/color] Toon Girl/lady (Shes not picky) [color=lightblue][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] Female [color=lightblue][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 24 [color=lightblue][b][u]Ethnicity:[/u][/b][/color] [color=lightblue][b][u]Place of Origin:[/u][/b][/color] The Void [color=lightblue][b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b][/color] Straight/Bi [center][.hr][.hr][img][/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=lightblue][h1][sub]Ability Profile[/sub][/h1][/color][/center] [color=lightblue][b][u]Powers:[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Toonforce] [u][b]Toonforce[/b][/u] Light has the powers, physics, ext... of a toon as well as its weaknesses. [b]Toon Regeneration:[/b] Its said that its nearly impossible to kill a toon, and thats true in the case of Light. While she still takes damage as normal and can be knocked out like normal, she can regenerate from any aliment, including being vaporized, her mind shattered or erased, her spirit taken out of her body, ext... She regenerates by 'popping' back to her normal state after a bit of taking no damage, sometimes having bandages or something on her that indicates what she was last hit by. While she can regenerate from pretty much any state, more extreme states or supernatural states take her more time to regenerate from. States that cause her to transform but deal no damage take her an exceptionally long time to regenerate from. [b]Toon Physics:[/b] Physics affect Light differently since she is a cartoon. This means... [list] [*]Light's body 'stretches', usually in moments of rapid acceleration or if she is being pulled on from two sides. Her normal movements look cartoony as well. Her body can stretch and grow to hit something, but she can't stretch more than 1/5th of a meter in this way. [*]If Light walks off a high point, such as a cliff, but is unaware that she is walking off of an edge, she will continue to walk on air as if it was ground. When she realizes she is no longer on solid ground, she will fall like normal. [*]While falling, Light can stop when approaching the ground to readjust where she will land, before continuing to fall at the rate she was falling before she stopped. [*]Injuries affect her differently than normal. For example, being caught up in an explosive causes her to appear ash covered before possibly breaking apart into a pile of ash, or being crushed causing her to become a pancake, ext... [*]Light can't bleed. [*]If Light is hit by a sharp object or a hot object on her backside, she'll be propelled away from the object, usually on fire if it was a hot object. [*]If Light places her finger inside the barrel of a gun, she will cause the gun to misfire. [*]Eating very spicy things will let Light breath fire, while also running around wildly looking for water. [*]If stuck in hostile environments for long periods, Light will adapt to the environment and be able to function in it like normal. [*]For some reason, her eyeballs are far, far more durable than the rest of her body. [*]Light can pick up enchanted/DNA objects that other people usually wouldn't be allowed to pick up. However she will not gain the benefit from said objects unless she herself would fit the criteria for the enchantment/lock. [*]Light can parkour on walls for extended periods before falling. [*]Light has full control over her body pieces if she is chopped up. Sometimes she will form into tiny versions of herself is she is smashed or shattered, reforming after a bit of time running around. [*]Light herself is near immune to reality changing attacks. [*]Its very obvious to those around her when Light is dizzy, confused, knocked out, stunned, has an idea, ext.. due to various things appearing over her head depending on the state. [*]Things get confusing if Light is chased into a hallway with many doors... [*]If chasing something that is taking off from the ground, Light can step on the air for a time in order to chase them, but will eventually fall. [*]Can dress up in a disguise to fool the weak minded. [*]You REALLY don't wanna eat her unless you want her walking around inside your head freely. [*]A Shadow of Impending Doom appears below Light when an object is falling on her. [*]Light leaves an imprint of herself if she impacts the ground from a high height. Ditto if she runs through a wall. [*]Light can adapt to extreme environments after while. [*]Among other nuances I might have forgotten. [/list] [b]Toon Strength:[/b] Light can exhibit enormous strength for her small frame. This strength is tied to her emotions, and if shes sad, she loses a massive amount of strength. [b]Toon Speed:[/b] Light exhibits short bursts of speed, using it to either dodge attacks or run at decent speeds. While she can dodge bullets with no problems with this, actual running speed Light is notably faster, but not anywhere near speedster territory (not that much faster than a top speed car). She can only dodge a few attacks every so often, and only if shes aware of the attacks. Outside of this, Light isn't very fast at all. If Light is in a state of quantom flux (She isn't viewed by any party), Light gains incredible speed until she is seen by something. Light can't gain this part of the ability for a short period after being seen. [b]ACME Magic Satchel:[/b] Light can store and pull various objects from her dress. Stored objects she can call upon at will, however objects she pulls from her dress without storing them first are completely random, are often cartoony or have a horrendous backfire effect, have an ACME logo, and as the name suggests, usually (But not always) explode in her face if held too long, even non lethal things such as pies! Storing a random object doesn't allow her to call it at will, and she can only pull a few random objects every 10 minutes, the cooldown reduced by her putting back said random objects. Light can't store living objects. [b]Portable Hole:[/b] Light can pull a black circular hole from her dress, allowing her to teleport to anywhere within her sightlines upon placing and entering it. The entrance and exit holes can be placed on anything, including air or space, but there is a noticable delay of her coming out of the exit hole if its not located on a surface. Only Light and objects stored in her Magic Satchel can go inside or exit her holes. [b]Toon Touch/Reality Siphon:[/b] Being a toon, Light reacts to normal reality strangely and tends to bring things to her state of reality. When touching something, it is unable to receive energy from outside sources. This gives her touch some sort of 'creepy' feeling. Additionally if shes in constant contact with something for extremely extended periods it will start to go through the stages of turning into a toon with no beneficial powers, and eventually fade from reality altogether (A massive amount of time. Probably a few weeks.), maybe going to a different dimension entirely? If Light stops touching the object at any point, it will regain its reality over a short period. Until an object has fully regained their reality, they can't receive energy from outside sources. This power is always on and Light has no control over its intensity. [/hider] [hider=Weaknesses] [list] [*] Light takes extra damage from attacks. [*] Light is weak to gas, poison, ext type attacks, and it doesn't take much of a substance to have an effect on her. [*] Light has an exceptionally difficult time breaking herself free of anything that binds her movement. Being encased in ice, tied down, stuck in a net, ext... Duct Tape is especially bad. Most of the time Light needs outside aid to get out of this stuff. [*] A vast majority of her powers are tied to her emotional state, and most of them don't work well if she is feeling sad or depressed. [*] Light plays with her opponents instead of fights them seriously unless extremely angry. If she is annoyed with someone she'll start showing Genre Savvy type of playful fighting however. [*] Light is very gullible due to her silly/playful/lazy persona, especially if she doesn't know or think poorly of someone. Shes not easy to directly turn on her friends though. She is also easy to talk down from a fight unless she is giving someone [b]"A Bad Time."[/b] [*] Light often tries to be friends with her opponents if she thinks she can. [*] Light is unable to use Energy based weapons due to Cartoon physics, and ballistic based weapons have less power and speed if used by her. Bombs still have their full power, but a drastically reduced blast radius. [*] Objects falling tend to home in slightly on Light, showing their Shadows of Impending Doom under her. Likewise occasionally Light will be hit by a falling anvil, safe, or piano out of nowhere. [*] Light is unlucky, especially if the result will cause slapstick. [/list] [/hider] [color=lightblue][b][u]Skills of Note:[/u][/b][/color] Genre Savvy High intellect Eldridge knowledge [center][.hr][.hr][img][/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=lightblue][h1][sub]Psychological Profile[/sub][/h1][/color][/center] [color=lightblue][b][u]Mental Evaluation:[/u][/b][/color] Light tends to act silly, mischievous, and fun loving around others. Since she doesn't tell lies and she tends to view everyone as a friend before she gets to know them, as well as being careless, she often gets into trouble. She tends not to fight seriously, and instead antagonizes her enemies or take hits for allies as she says "No one ever fights seriously. Not even the big bads." Even with all that, she tends not to go too far with her fun making, and is a bit more grounded than she lets on. While on the outside Light is seems to be silly or airheaded, underneath that is an incredibly intelligent person who knows far more than she lets on and is far more observant than she tends to act. While it seems its near impossible to make her angry, she did say what she would do if someone got her really angry, and it was simply. "They're gonna have A Bad Time." And something about the way she said it was... chilling. [color=lightblue][b][u]Physical Evaluation:[/u][/b][/color] Light is a 1.8 meter tall white humanoid figure. Her head is a large spherical shape with no nose, very large black and orange eyes(Demon lense type), short blue hair, fin like ears, and a very very skinny neck. She has a noticeable hourglass shape to her due to her hips and chest. She has skinny biceps with large forearms and hands with long spike-like or claw-like fingers. Her legs end in sharp points where her feet should be. She wears a white dress with blue trim and a blue tanktop, the dress having an 'M' cut pattern in the front to reveal her legs and looking more like a labcoat than a frilly dress. It should be noted that these are technically part of her body, especially the dress bottom. [color=lightblue][b][u]Biography:[/u][/b][/color] [center][.hr][.hr][img][/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=lightblue][h1][sub]Extras[/sub][/h1][/color][/center] [color=lightblue][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Interesting people [*]Adventure [*]Meat [*]Games [*]Friends[/list][/indent] [color=lightblue][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Duct Tape [*]Cats [*]Cruel people [*]Weak People [*]Whips[/list][/indent] [color=lightblue][b][u]Miscellaneous:[/u][/b][/color] Light is made for slapstick, so go at it! [/hider]