[@Winter Kitten] [hider=Charity Alexander][center][color=EC1E40][h1]Charity Alexander[/h1][/color] [img]https://usercontent2.hubstatic.com/7067531_f520.jpg[/img] [i]"[color=E36262]Out of the shadows, and into the sun![/color]"[/i] [hr][hr] [color=EC1E40][h1][sub]Dossier[/sub][/h1][/color][/center] [color=E36262][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Charity Alexander[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Alias:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Char (pronounced Share)[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Codename:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Solar Flare[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]18[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Ethnicity:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Human[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Place of Origin:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]New York City, New York[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [hr][hr] [img]http://media2.giphy.com/media/4irUPOaryVYHK/giphy.gif[/img] [color=EC1E40][h1][sub]Ability Profile[/sub][/h1][/color][/center] [color=E36262][b][u]Powers:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Upon observing Miss Alexander, I've noted a few abilities she can do. I've been able to compile a list of these powers, but they all seem to stem from one branch: Solar Energy. Miss Alexander is able to manipulate the energy from the sun. She can't move or manipulate the sun (for which I am thankful, knowing how bad that could be if ever unstable), but she is able to use the energy she gains in a variety of ways. First, she is able to heal by absorbing the sun. To demonstrate, I noticed she had a scratch on her left arm. I documented it for our records (picture included) and asked her to demonstrate this. As she was absorbing, she sort of glowed a light yellow hue. Sure enough, after a few seconds, the scratch was gone (another picture added). I asked if she was able to heal larger wounds and she smiled. She said the biggest injury she healed was a broken arm and it took a longer period of time to heal. With enough practice, she could potentially heal substantial injuries while absorbing the solar energy. When I asked what happens when the sun is not out, she stated that she is still able to use the energy she had previously stored, but until she is able to get more from the sun, she would not be able to use her powers. When asked to demonstrate more abilities, she showed that she is able to create mini solar flares. They appeared like fireworks. She also demonstrated the ability to make solar beams and blasts in combat. She also made solar constructs in the form of walls. I noticed that she began to grow tired after using all these powers one after the other, but after a bit of sun absorption, she was back. I asked if she had the ability to transport herself using her gifts. She said that she can fly using solar energy for brief periods of time. After observation, I conclude that Miss Alexander would be an interesting addition. Better suited for daylight missions, I noted potential hazards she may face, such as coming across foes with lunar manipulation powers or those who can manipulate light. Be that as it may, she is an interesting person and I think she would benefit from joining us, as much as we would with her.[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Skills of Note:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Despite her powers, Miss Alexander does posess some skills outside of superpower use. She often does yoga and is flexible and acrobatic. I made note that with proper training, she could be given more combat practice as she said she never had formal training in anything other than basic defense. I recommend either Tae Kwon Do or something to make use of her legs. She would also benefit from learning weapon techniques as she is able to make solar construct weapons. She also excels in mathmatics and is able to formulate complex mathmatical problems without the use of a calculator. I made note to have her IQ tested as she has never had it done before, but she assures me that she is only really good at math. Lastly, Miss Alexander has some artistic abilities, mainly drawing and sketching. I've added some of her recent work in her portfolio for viewing. While maybe not a skill that's handy in taking down her foes, everyone does need a hobby.[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [hr][hr] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/JAc6m0QBlLDK8/giphy.gif[/img] [color=EC1E40][h1][sub]Psychological Profile[/sub][/h1][/color][/center] [color=E36262][b][u]Mental Evaluation:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Charity lives up to her name in her kindness she shows others. She gives off a warm vibe (which, given her powers, is an interesting development) and genuinely seems interested in others. I conducted the Myers & Briggss psychological test and concluded that Charity falls into the ENFP category. She is extroverted, preferring the company of others and doesn't mind being the center of attention. She is intuitive, as she likes to look at the bigger picture. She is feeling, she likes to ask how others are and likes to make people feel better. Lastly, she is perceiving, as she likes spontaneity and surprises and likes to leave her options open. On the other side of that positivity, I took notice that she doesn't like talking about her family. When the subject came up she grew agitated and gave a flippant answer (and I quote, "They're fine. Can we move on?") When I tried to delve deeper into that, she got more agitated and refused to answer any questions. While researching her background, we found her family, still alive, living in Arizona. She has her mother, father, and two younger siblings. When we called them, they also grew agitated at having to answer questions about Charity. I won't report the words they used to describe her, but safe to say there is some negativity there.[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Physical Evaluation:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Charity Alexander is a fit, young woman. She stands at roughly 5'9'' and weighs 132 lbs. While her arm muscles are not as pronounced, her leg muscles are strong and she is very flexible, as she is able to do the splits and maintain balance. I noticed that when conducting physical tests using her arm, she would often rub her right shoulder. Upon close inspection, there seems to be some past injury. When asked, Charity said that she broke her shoulder in an accident when she was younger and it took some time to heal. I made note that she seemed especially displeased about revealing this fact and I made mention of it to the psychologist, who agreed. I am not one to make rash judgement, but I think there is more to that story. By all accounts, Charity is in good physical fitness. If I had to recommend anything, I would say she continue her yoga workouts, but add in more arm training to build up her upper half to match her lower half.[/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Biography:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][b]SUBJECTS FOLDER REDACTED. PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD[/b] ********* [b]PASSWORD ACCEPTED[/b] Name: Charity Alexander Born: Phoenix, Arizona Parents: Michael and Patricia Alexander Siblings: Victoria and Raymond Alexander School Records: Charity received high marks in most of her classes. She excelled in math and literature classes, but struggled in science. She was a good student and hard worker. Like most young girls, she enjoyed hanging out with her friends and talking, but she always showed respect to her teachers. One teacher noticed something odd when Charity showed up for school. She noticed the bruises and asked her what was wrong. Charity seemed distressed and said she fell down at home. The teacher made note to the school's psychologist and Charity was brought in for a few sessions. The psychologist determined there was more going on and, per rules, notified the authorities who conducted their own investigation. POLICE REPORT: October 13. XXXX When visiting the Alexander residence with a social worker, I noticed some anger in Mr. Alexander. He was determined not to let us in his dwelling, despite anything we said. Begrudgingly, he allowed us access. The home appeared in good condition, it was clean, free of any potential dangers to the young children in residence. What was odd to me was that there were no toys for the kids, no game systems, no dolls, no building blocks. When I asked what the kids did for entertainment, it was Mrs. Alexander that spoke up and said the children come up with their own fun. The kid's bedrooms appeared modest. While I checked the rooms out, the social worker took the little girl, Charity, into another room to talk to, much to the dismay of the Alexanders who demanded they be in the same room. I had to have my partner keep watch of them. Charity's room seemed average and, if I am being honest, seemed dull. There was no color, no life in the room. I imagine a girl Charity's age would have something in the room, be it boy band posters, a music box, some jewelry and clothing scattered about, but there was nothing. The other children's bedroom, one they shared, seemed much the same. When I asked the Alexanders about that, they said they didn't have the money to afford a paint job or to buy unnecessary things for their kids. I took note of their high end television set in Mr. Alexander's office and his wife's collection of quality handbags, but kept that to myself. The social worker returned with Charity, who seemed to have been crying as her eyes were red and puffy. This got Mr. Alexander's attention and he demanded we leave. It was then that the social worker stated that she would be taking the children out of the home. Mr. Alexander grew violent and I had to handcuff him as he attempted to grab Charity away from the social worker. The children seemed upset having to be taken from their home, except for Charity, who was quiet the whole ride there. After they were set up in a foster home for the night, the social worker filed her report and the process began. I filed my findings and gave a copy to her. Speaking personally, it broke my heart to see that little girl. I won't give my opinion on her family, but I am grateful she isn't in that home anymore. [b]Criminal Record:[/b] Charity has a few misdemeanors on her record. There are different reports of underage drinking and vandalism when she was 14. Her foster family posted bail and she was let off with a warning. No other reports after that. FINAL FINDINGS: It seems that Charity had a rough childhood and made the best of the situation handed to her. She currently lives in New York City to attend school there. There seem to be no reports on when she got her powers, but she said that she noticed them when she was 16 years old. She kept them quiet from her family, but said she often practiced with them and tested her capabilities. All in all, she seems a good fit for S.H.I.E.L.D and I think with proper training, she would be an excellent candidate.[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [hr][hr] [color=EC1E40][h1][sub]Extras[/sub][/h1][/color][/center] [color=E36262][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Charity Work [*]Sketching [*]Yoga [*]Parties [*]Shopping[/list][/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Abuse [*]The Ocean [*]Meat [*]Velvet [*]Rude people[/list][/indent] [color=E36262][b][u]Miscellaneous:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Charity is allergic to shellfish [*]Charity's favorite food is pizza [*]Charity's favorite drink is peach iced tea [*]Charity's favorite color is dark red[/list][/indent][/hider]