[quote=@Sep] [@FrozenEcstasy] I am sorry to see you go, it will slow down (of that I'm sure, especially as I won't be as active). I am also sorry the Universe seems to be against you, I hope you return in future. I mean you do [i]not[/i] have to keep up to date with the OOC, anything important you can always ask me or I'll tag you in. [@Firecracker_] No I'm also pretty alarmed. I'm sure [@sovi3t] is gonna have a chat with that guy. [@obisemkenobi] Dude if we haven't slowed down by next week [@OrangeInk] will have staged a coup and dethroned me. I instantly knew what you were going on about as soon as you mentioned it. Yay for Stargate. [hr] [@obisemkenobi][@OrangeInk][@Heat][@sovi3t][@boomlover][@Buddha][@Firecracker_][@Nevix][@vosenedich][@Lo Pellegrino][@The Spectre][@CanisMajoris2][@Xandrya][@Raxacoricofallapatorius] I want to make this clear, while I love this pace (I really do) I personally won't be able to keep it up, IC wise. I know other people won't either, don't let this discourage you. Tomorrow I head up to Glasgow and will be unavailable for most the day, on Thursday I fly to the states so will be unavailable almost all day. When I get there I have no idea what my internet access is going to be like, but I will keep this going. If it does slow I hope you will all stick with it, as I love you all you're a great group and I will continue to move things forward with new and fun exciting plots (my notepad of ideas is going with me). Thankyou, this has been a public Sep announcement. [/quote] Welp, I definitely sent you a PM before seeing this. Yeah, I honestly cannot possibly keep up with 20+ IC posts in the matter of 3 days. I get some people are in school and am endlessly jealous of summer break, but the full-time work schedule really makes staying at this pace extremely difficult. I absolutely love this concept, which is why I signed up, and my main obstacle is the uniquely rapid pace. It might help to know the speed you imagine us moving. I'm accustomed to an Advanced RP going at 1-2 posts a week, that's really what I expected personally. If we're going above that I should step back now.