[centre][h2][b][color=black]Data Library[/color][/b][/h2][/centre] [centre][color=black][b][h3]People of Interest[/h3][/b][/color][/centre] [hider=Jack Preacher] Jack Preacher is a thirty five year old male Colonel in the United States Marine Corp. He has one sister named Katie whom is currently terminal in the San Cantos Hospital. Jacks life is sort of a mystery to everyone and he is ever protective of those who might solicit his sister. All that is really known at this point is that the UAC were the blame for an incident in both Jack and Katies life although the specifics are not well known. Jack and Katie has been alone but together sense they were eight and six, Jack has always looked after his sister Katie, even now as she slowly loses her life to Cancer he works himself day an night on dangerous missions to make enough money to pay her medical bills. Jack is at wits end now as he tried desperately to save his sister and has agreed to go to Mars, a place he vowed never to go again but left with no other options he now returns one last time, for his sister. More info will be added to this profile when it becomes available. [/hider] [hider=Maria Smith] TO BE UPDATED [/hider] [hider=James Rickman] Once an over the top scientist with one of the greatest minds and attitudes and winner of many grand titles and awards for his work over the years in the field of Bio Technology is now from reports a cold and distant man completely void of his once over the top self. Specifics are currently unknown as too his current status or otherwise, this profile will be updated as more info presents itself. [/hider] [centre][color=black][b][h3]Weapons Information[/h3][/b][/color][/centre] [centre][color=black][b][h3]Demon Information[/h3][/b][/color][/centre]