[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/x7OsGVQ.gif[/img][/center] Nina watched intently as the leather clad lady and the demon with the silken tresses dealt with the drunken college boys. In the end it seemed that even though the short haired biker was itching to throw down, all it took to break the boys' confidence was some well said insults that made their heads swim in their liquored up state. That and the fact that one of them had apparently piddled himself during the confrontation. As the boys staggered away, Nina stepped up next to young woman in leather. "[color=BA55D3]My hero[/color]," she said softly, her glossed pink lips smiling invitingly. "[color=BA55D3]I have to admit I find it sad it only took a well placed tongue lashing to scare them off. I was looking forward to seeing you action[/color]." Nina's dark eyes drank in the woman's feature. She had black eyes that looked as if they could suck in one's soul, a strong jaw and the cutest dimpled chin. The biker babe had a similar figure to Nina with wide sensual hips and a magnetic derrière, and a modest bust. "[color=BA55D3]Well, maybe another time[/color]," Nina said with a wicked smirk. Nina was just about to offer to buy the young woman a drink when the raven-haired demon returned. “[color=crimson]I think this night needs some brightening now. I will have you both as my guests for a drink, if you accept[/color].” This caused to quirk a brow at the demon. Though her smile remained polite Nina seethed inside. "[color=BA55D3]Buying you a drink is the least [i][b]I[/b][/i] could do for the courage you showed on [i][b]my[/b][/i] behave[/color]," she stated softly to the lady in leather while subtly staking her claim. If her hero did in fact accept the other demon's invitation Nina would follow as she was unwilling to give up this beguiling young human just yet.