[center][color=red] Cedran [/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Cedran Sterban [b]Age:[/b] Appears 23 [b]Race:[/b] Demon [b]Inherent Ability:[/b] Demonic Rage [b]Acquired Abilities:[/b] Undead Army: Cedran has the power to communicate with the dead, and therefore can call on the spirits to aid him to battle, assuring them that their souls will be brought to the other side afterwards. Whether he calls forth skeletons, spirits, or the recently dead, Cedran can call forth whatever is in the surrounding area (within about 100 ft give or take). These last until destroyed or when he sends them back, once the battle is over. Soul Harvest: When an enemy is close to death, or dies, can consume the dying soul and absorb it. This stimulates his healing factor, regains energy, and gives a slight temporary boost to his power. Cheating death: Cedran has a healing factor, able to shrug off minor wounds shortly. The more Major the wounds, the longer it takes, and he can still be killed. It's just slightly harder, although he's not going to shrug off a hole in the stomach or a lost limb very easily. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Cedran Demon Form][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/21/c4/d2/21c4d24d8fb967e2d0bcbce6c56efb42.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Cedran Human Form][img]http://cf.girlsaskguys.com/q1526850/5311aa77-f401-4583-9a0b-d3e778771158.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Arrogant, cocky, an asshole. Cedran is all these things, and he's a bit headstrong as well. He's full of pride, always has to be the best, and won't back down from a fight. Being the under dog for the good part of his life, he has taking his losses and refuses to lose at anything else. He likes to work alone if he can, as he is independent and reluctant to rely on others. However, if he has to, he would choose to either lead them or act as equals. Nobody tells him what to do. [b]History:[/b] Cedran doesn't like to talk about his childhood, so that part we can skip for now. For the past few years, Cedran has been simply roaming around, being a vigilante of sorts as he kills wanted individuals from town to town. With his skill in fighting and abilities, he has killed numerous murderers, putting the souls of those slaughtered by the individual to rest. Between the bounty he makes, the souls he helps, and the pure joy of the hunt, it's a pretty sweet deal. He can be seen as a chaotic neutral at best, although he tends to do good things he's out for himself most of the time and will do things any way they have to be (even if it's morally questionable). Cedran was on his way to another town when a large group of damned souls called out to him, in a place known as Blackwood. Something seemed strange about the place, although he heard it was no more than a dangerous forest. Curious, and since it was on his way, he decided to venture out to Blackwood and investigate a bit. Who knows, maybe it'd be worth the short trip.