"Hey come back here I'm not done with you yet also why do you keep calling me a turtle lover i don't even like turtles that much!?" Shin yelled as he tried to explanation out of Samu. Shin put his hand over his eyes to try to make out what the dog man was trying to do. He seemed to be charging up and attack that he was about to blast at Shin. "Hey that's unfair your cheating! Shin yelled even though he clearly doesn't know the rules. Saitama was looking up, "Huh did you say do do ray...what does it do turn him in to a Dodo bird?" Saitama asked unsure if he was going to get a response at all. [i]"Hopefully that kid doesn't get turned into a bird"[/i] Saitama thought as he a thinking bubble started to play out the scenario of the boy getting his by the ray and turning into you guessed it a dodo bird.