[b][color=f7976a]ANARU KAHURANGI[/color][/b] Location: Conomi Islands. Interacting with: [@LokiLeo789] [@Hillan] [@malmshodes] [@dragonmancer] [@Ira] Anaru had been observing what was occuring, while ordering his soldiers to regroup, retreating, and care to the injured. he was biding his time, waiting for the right moment, he didn't want to interfere with the smoke-man, but now that the exploding-man was escaping, it seemed time to act. Anaru rolled his neck, as his body grew, his skin being covered with fur, as his arms especially beefed up. his eyes turned red, and he gained four sharp teeth, this was, of course, his hybrid state. Anaru clenched his body, focusing deep inside him, as everything seemed to slow around him. [color=f7976a]"One thousand years alone meditating, absorbing the world, is too long!"[/color] Anaru's body slimmed down, all the excess muscle was turned into a more lean build, attacking power was not sacrificed, speed however, was gained. Anaru gave one last look to the ninja-woman, and the man he assumed to be the captain. [color=f7976a]"I am not showing mercy on you two, but the exploding man abandoned you, his allies, and I can't forgive that."[/color] Anaru would have never left them there, if he hadn't had reinforcements next to him. he began to rapidly elbow behind him, positioning his elbows below him as he crouched down. As Xerxes made his explosive escape, and was flying, he heard something strange. [b][color=f7976a]"R-R-R-R-ROCK SOLID!"[/color][/b] as Anaru erupted from down below, several shock waves coming off of his form as he approaches, still swinging his elbows behind him, to prepare his fists, along with using 'nail gun' to propel himself even better. as Anaru reached Xerxes in the air, he let out a laugh, his body mass expanding, as he prepared an intense punch, and with his other arm, he fired several Nail guns, to change his direction several times, to confuse Xerxes. now above Xerxes' body, Anaru sent his fist down towards his back.