[h3][color=e4add5]Celes Elwyn[/color] and [color=fc3862]Nasir the Zoroark[/color][/h3][b]Celes' Party - [/b][img]http://i.imgur.com/ms4Ow8a.png[/img] [color=f2b56f]Ranulf the Dragonite[/color], [color=a6bfe4]Mist the Dratini[/color] [b]Zoroark Illusion Status:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/7rZyV9I.png]Human[/url] [b][New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab][/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo][@void liege][@Leoven] Ranulf had been standing quietly, minding his own business when the two young Pokémon addressed him. It took him a moment to play over in his head what he had casually overheard. [color=f2b56f][/color] While the Dragonite was conversing with the Chikorita and Cyndaquil, Nasir made his way down the stairs after his Trainer. Still riding atop him was the small girl; the Dragonite's charge. Celes waved her pink Pokédex so that Ranulf could see it. [color=e4add5]"Ranulllf! I got it! I got my thingy! It took my fingerprints and everything, and now I'm a real Trainer!"[/color] A warm smile crossed the Dragonite's maw, [color=f2b56f][/color]