There's a few things that should probably be addressed here. [quote=@Superman] Son of Syn [/quote] You should probably wait until Syn is actually taken and discus that with the player. Of course you can always just change it to him not being his son. [quote=@Superman] [b]Acquired Abilities:[/b] Undead Army: Cedran has the power to communicate with the dead, and therefore can call on the spirits to aid him to battle, assuring them that their souls will be brought to the other side afterwards. Whether he calls forth zombies, skeletons, spirits, or the recently dead, Cedran can call forth whatever is in the surrounding area (within about 100 ft give or take). These last until destroyed or when he sends them back, once the battle is over.[/quote] I like the limit that it can only be used within 100 feet. The ability itself is okay, except the zombie bit. It's a fantasy, but I'd rather keep zombies out entirely. Maybe lower it to just skeletons and spirits? Or the recently dead. [quote=@Superman] [b]Soul Harvest:[/b] Cedran can rip the soul from another living being and devour it, killing them and growing more powerful from devouring the soul. Cedran has to touch the living being to steal the soul, and usually requires a bit of effort. The tougher the creature or person, the harder it is to do and he may have to weaken them before being able to rip the soul from their body.[/quote] This one's a little OP'd all the way around. Ripping the soul from a living being would be hard enough to do without the power of the Gods on your side, so I'd think the person would need to be near death before he could even do that even if he is a demon. Gaining power, I can live with, so long as it's not a lot of power. I could go with it being a way he can replenish his energy, though. Like if he got in a fight and killed someone he could eat their soul to heal his wounds or something so long as he wasn't mortally injured. [quote=@Superman] [b]Cheating death:[/b] Cedran has a healing factor, able to shrug off minor wounds shortly. The more Major the wounds, the longer it takes, and he can still be killed. It's just a lot harder than your average demon, as you can put a hole in his chest and he'll simply laugh it off as it begins to close. He's used to the pain.[/quote] "able to shrug off minor wounds shortly", I can live with. My issue with this one is laughing off a hole in his chest. Right now he seems harder to kill than one of the Guardians as just a regular demon. So maybe tone it down a bit.