No freaking way. They did it. They did it! Aki pumped his fist and jumped in his excitement. His smile only grew larger as more light returned to the void. [color=82ca9d]“Aw heck yes!”[/color] He took in the scene before him while celebrating. Tomoda had returned, looking great for someone who was only recently possessed by creatures of darkness and transformed into a savage monstrosity. The other thing that caught his attention was Yamamoto-kun on the ground, freshly seared by false Tomoda’s flames. Luckily the fire had died out with the defeat of the shadows. Both of them looked in need of assistance but Aki wasn’t quite prepared to approach the guy who had grievously wounded him just minutes before. So Yamamoto was the best option. Aki inwardly grimaced. In a way, it was the Drama Club captain who had dragged them (literally, in Rena’s case,) into this whole mess. So even if the guy was going through the exact same pain that Aki had experienced just before, he wasn’t too eager to get chummy with the bespectacled boy. But the guy needed help, so that was what he was gonna get. Even if he was an incompetent leader that couldn’t even stop his loud-ass club members from blowing up the drama room. Aki knelt beside him. [color=82ca9d]“Don’t worry, we’ll get you patched up soon. Deep breaths, buddy.”[/color] He spoke with an attempted tone of positivity, reaching out to give the singed classmate a reassuring hand on the shoulder but reconsidering it in the end. He turned to face the others. [color=82ca9d]“Hey, we need a healer over here!”[/color]