[@banjoanjo] [color=82ca9d]“Hey, we need a healer over here!”[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Please let me help."[/color] Senhime brought up her state not being the best in terms of clothing her school uniform was really burned and she had a large hole where her stomach and arms was and part of her skirt's edge was frayed from the fire. She sighed this was going to be going to be hard to explain on how her uniform got into this condition. She steeled her resolve if this odd battle taught her anything was that indecision had no place on it. [color=f49ac2]"Take me to the one that needs aid"[/color] She said once her her voice steeled and hard as she looked at the person who spoke. As she said that her persona materialized once more behind her its armor's cape spread out revealing its many tails. This was the most she could do after all since in the long run there was not much she was able to do beyond act as a healer.