Jones smiled wide as he saw Priscilla at the door. He hugged her back, giving her a kiss on her head. "Hello, my love." He said with a smile as she took his hat and coat. He knew the scream of excitement was due to him being gone for so long... and having such a dangerous job. He loved Priscilla more than anything, and was glad she understood, and supported him. He tried to show his love as much as he could to her. "Thank you." He said, then jumped a bit when he heard his mother yell. Young little cousins of his ran through the house laughing towards the dinner table. Once Priscilla was done hanging up his stuff, he gave her a kiss on the lips, and a wink. He then made his way towards his mom. "Ciao, Madre" Jones said in italian, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Is Pop still working upstairs?" He asked her as they walked into the dining room. "I can go get him if you want." He said, getting pats on the back and nods and greetings from his large family.