[color=#FFFACD][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3625497][h3]Rowan Branchers[/h3][/url][/color] _____ [i]Route A[/i] No Taillows. Hindsight was 20/20. [color=#FFFACD]'DODGE!'[/color] That was all he had time to scream out as Rowan span back to see Dwebble approaching at a frightening speed. Seeing the glowing green from the claws of the bug, Purrloin noted the danger herself. The previous order was overwritten. Now the only order of business was “SURVIVE”. [color=#856B90]'... Loin!'[/color] Purrloin timed it as to jump a bit sideways from straight over the incoming Dwebble. She had a lightly worried expression, but she figured that the bug PROBABLY couldn't jump as a cat could, and even if it did it might have been too focused on attacking to intercept the target in the air. [i][b]ASSUMING[/b][/i] Purrloin didn't fail to dodge and bit the dust (in which case the rest of this post is void) Edit: Which it apparently is. I'll do the next reaction in my next post. [s]Purrloin would land and jump a bit away, turning her body to be able to watch her opponent's movements. If she instead took the hit but [i][b]DIDN'T FAINT[/b][/i], she'd instead stagger back in pain, her ears folding as she felt the pain for a second, before looking the Dwebble with a hurt expression. Regardless (assuming she didn't faint), she'd take on the eyes of someone feeling extreme sadness for the opposing Pokémon, her nature of a Purrloin changing her persona to that of a kind caring girl-Pokémon that wanted to avoid fighting at all costs, her posture suddenly very non-violent and gentle. … Might actually be more effective if she took the attack... but Purrloin's too self-centred to actually take a hit for such a tactic willingly. [color=#856B90]'… Purr-purrloin...?'[/color] [color=#D76B9F]“... Are you sure you aren't making a mistake...?”[/color] Purrloin asked, her voice pained and sweet. [color=#856B90]'… Loin, purrrloin purr...'[/color] [color=#D76B9F]“... That girl, she could give you all the love a Pokémon could ever want...”[/color] Purrloin said, a distant wisdom present in her voice. [color=#856B90]'… Purr, purr, purrrrrloin. Purrloin?'[/color] [color=#D76B9F]“... But now, instead, you're being used as a tool for a heartless trainer in order to steal her precious Pokémon. Does that feel fair to you?”[/color] Purrloin directed the question straight at Dwebble, her eyes narrowing with the potential for despise, putting the moral crossroads directly on the Pokémon. Purrloin was somewhat of a fan of Mara's strategy, but she felt that she had a unique position to forward her own attempt, with her own words. That's what a Purrloin's famous ability to assume a persona was good for, wasn't it~? … Of course, none of the humans understood her meowing. Meanwhile, Rowan was staring wide-eyed at Purrloin, no idea what kind of command to give. Growl actually sounded like her best bet, but she seemed to use that on her own. What was he even there for? Anyways. In battle-tactics, Purrloin had to get close to use her moves, but the bug... appeared to be faster, and it was super-effective and unhurt where she was neither. It actually looked like Mara's strategy was their best bet...!? Rowan looked between Mara, Dwebble and the opposing trainer with worried eyes, waiting for the results...[/s] ________ [hider=Pokémon][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/46/509Purrloin.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/rAs23Id.png[/img][/url] [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Purrloin_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][u]Purrloin[/u][/url] [i]Level:[/i] 7 [i]Moves:[/i] Scratch, Growl, Assist [i]Ability:[/i] Unburden [i]Nature:[/i] Naughty [i]Held Item:[/i] --- [/hider] [i]Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex[/i] [i]Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball[/i] [i]678 P[/i]