[hider=Vega] [center][img]http://s31.postimg.org/ewuggoh97/VEGA_Vortex.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r194/Uzumaki_Naruto_Rendan/Photoshop%20Usable%20Pics/Bleach%20Captains/Tousen_kaname.jpg[/IMG] [color=a187be][i][u]"The Brighter the Star, the Darker the Collapse." - Vega's Cursed Fate.[/u][/i][/color] Auther -[b][i] Stephen Spicker[/i][/b] [hider=Vega's Theme Song] [youtube]https://youtu.be/vrmC58d1Sz8[/youtube] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrmC58d1Sz8[/url] [hider=Other Theme Songs] Combat [youtube]https://youtu.be/nXPRdCEl9Rs[/youtube] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXPRdCEl9Rs[/url] During serious conversations [youtube]https://youtu.be/sDDWmmX2owY?list=RDGvtD6tE5PNk[/youtube] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDDWmmX2owY&list=RDGvtD6tE5PNk&index=6[/url] Searching [youtube]https://youtu.be/JqK7N2AdUL4?list=PLE5DEFB24AB2E00B0[/youtube] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqK7N2AdUL4&list=PLE5DEFB24AB2E00B0&index=29[/url] Losing the Fight [youtube]https://youtu.be/TQ-QJ75Sbtc[/youtube] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ-QJ75Sbtc[/url] Other Action Scenes [youtube]https://youtu.be/Y0oDpcxfQTo?list=RDGvtD6tE5PNk[/youtube] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0oDpcxfQTo&index=7&list=RDGvtD6tE5PNk[/url] [/hider] [/hider] [/center] [hider=Description] | [color=a187be][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Adrian Shane Hunter | [color=a187be][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Current: Vega [color=0072bc]Origin:[/color] Impulse | [color=a187be][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | May 29th 2002. | [color=a187be][b]Age[/b][/color] | Current: 24 [color=0072bc]Origin Story:[/color] 17 turning 18 | [color=a187be][b]Species[/b][/color] | Human | [color=a187be][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Male | [color=a187be][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Heterosexual | [color=a187be][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | Current: True Neutral [color=0072bc]Origin:[/color] Lawful Good [color=00a651]Future:[/color] Either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Evil | [color=a187be][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Appearance: Height - 6'3" Ethnicity - Mixed black/white Eye Color - Indigo eyes Weight - 190 lbs Build - Athletic Adrian has never truly felt like he fit in. Instead of letting that hold him back, he embraces it. From the music he listens to, to his violet hair with the perfect white stripe that sits just off of the center line of his scalp; he wears "unusual" like a uniform. He wears it so well, that it tends to intimidate people. Especially most women. Attractive and tall, Adrian also comes off as unapproachable or moody (even though that's not really the case). Despite everything, the fact that he stands out makes him a hot topic among the girls and thus consequently, the boys too. [hider=Vega Appearance] [color=a187be]outfit:[/color] Nightwing's suit except the highlights are indigo [color=440e62][b]this[/b][/color] instead of the [color=0054a6]blue[/color] (And no weapons ...yet). [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/1293/i/2015/114/f/d/nightwing_by_radiant_grey-d5dq412.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] | [color=a187be][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [color=ed1c24]First:[/color] Discovery/Use of his power: Able to repel objects with an outward spherical pulse. [color=f26522]Then:[/color] Learns to concentrate the source of the force from his body parts (e.g. stronger punches/kicks, etc.). [color=f7941d]As he gains more control:[/color] Able to focuses the force from a spherical shape into a more focused point so that he can increase the range without sacrificing the power. He will also be able to increase the time duration to longer than an impulse. [color=fff200]Through a horrific tragedy:[/color] He learns to reverse this ability into a pull instead of a push [color=a187be]Consequently:[/color] The tragedy/fight was so horrific/intense, that his 'pull' ability tore open a singularity (one day he'll be able to control this.) and hurled him into the future (Now current timeline). [color=39b54a]*More alterations of his abilities to come*[/color] | [color=a187be][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | [color=0072bc]Origin:[/color] Limited to a quick burst Potential Friendly fire Unforeseen consequences onto user Unstable in early stages. [color=a187be]Current:[/color] Friendly Fire Further he extends the range, the weaker the force (See below for details). Impulse field: Unbreakable at average distance from body (about arms length) Then weakens if he expands it to protect someone else. Also, it is like flexing a muscle. At furst, it's powerful but it's like lifting your max bench press at the gym. The longer he tries to sustain it, the quicker it weakens (And it weakens fast). Push/Pull force: Close to infinite at source (to be able to create the singularity) Past one inch from skin: Weakens to about the strength to flinging a car through the air for a few yards 50 feet: About the strength of a hard punch 50+ feet: approaches 0 force rapidly. All abilities cannot be sustained for more than a minute or so despite storyline growth. Currently, they can't even last seconds. | [color=a187be][b]Weaknesses[/b][/color] | Basic human weaknesses. Just like the Flash, if Vega doesn't see it coming then he can't defend against it. One unexpected bullet and it's all over. | [color=a187be][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | Current: Super Suit - Durable enough to resist knife wounds, semi-bulletproof. [color=0072bc]Origin:[/color] Regular hoodie and jeans. [color=00a651]Future:[/color] Possibly carry a weapon with a sharp end to make hie 'pull' ability lethal. Super Suit. [/hider] [hider=Personality and Bio] | [color=a187be][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | Current: Loner, Righteous, Intelligent, Bitter, Calm, Understanding, Patient, Wrathful, A Little Obsessed [color=0072bc]Origin:[/color] Quiet, Prideful, Show Off, Intelligent, Under Achiever In uniform (hoodie uniform): Prideful, Shows Off, Intelligent, Talkative, Immature | [color=a187be][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Despite his unpopularity, Adrian is actually a rising star in his high school basketball team. His competitive nature and his unique outlook of the world makes him an excellent shooting guard and his height makes him an even better center. Having the most points, blocks and rebounds on his team nearly every game, Adrian tends to get lost in competition and can be a sore loser. Despite his disdain for losing and his intelligence, Adrian barley passes his classes. Between refusing to participate in class and refusing to do his homework, his grades would cause him to fail if it wasn't for his coach vouching for him and the fact that he has never scored lower than a 99 on EVERY test. His main reason for his lack of participation is that he hates when people ask to copy his work or ask him for help. Just like on the court, when Adrian (as Impulse) is saving the day, he tends to show off and hes a little more flashy than needs be. He talks smack, cuts maneuvers a little too close and doesn't get serious unless he's losing. As Vega, he is cold and holds a poker face almost the entire battle. People (and enemies) rarely know what he's thinking. His only motive is victory and often the only thing preventing him from injuring others is a half-hearted warning to "stay out of the way". Enemies and allies alike refer to him as "ruthless" and in combat, he rarely pays attention to if it's 'friend or foe'. The only reason he works well on a team is because he's patient and accurate. Also, he hates to show off his abilities because he fears that someone will discover a weakness or "chink" in his 'armor'. That fear makes him reserved and thus being reserved reduces collateral damage and friendly fire. Still, allies tend not to stand too close to Vega just in case something gets shot, thrown or flung in his direction, causing his impulse barrier to activate and blasting debris (and allies) in all directions. Vega's "I'll play nice" attitude is more for appearances than actual act or desire. He really only puts in enough effort to avoid being kicked out of the [i]Powerbound Alliance[/i] and to avoid verbal conflict between teammates. His sole motivation is to bide hit time until he is able avenge his mother and understand his powers well enough to return to his timeline and prevent her death. Finally, his attitude and complete outlook on 'this timeline' comes with a bitter after taste. Since he believes that he will [color=a187be]"go back in time and save my mom"[/color], he views this timeline as a [color=a187be]"false"[/color] timeline. Vega believes that everything that happens in this current timeline will be rewritten as long as he doesn't die before that happens. Because [color=a187be]"Nothing I do here will matter to anyone."[/color] attitude, Vega has an unhealthy detachment to the world and an even emptier regard for human life. Still, he was a hero and deep down inside, he doesn't wish to see people suffer and that alone motivates him to actually aid to a good cause and (begrudgingly to him) develop bonds with a few teammates. | [color=a187be][b]Quirks[/b][/color] | Hates to Lose Often Late Sleeps in class Doesn't do his assignments Aces every test Thinks of things in angles and degrees (which makes him very good at basketball) | [color=a187be][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | Basketball Videogames Music | [color=a187be][b]Likes[/b][/color] | Basketball Videogames Hip Hop Anime Food. All Food. Girls Physics | [color=a187be][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | Authority Racism Arrogance Losing People (most not all) Rodents Uncleanliness Stupidity | [color=a187be][b]Fears[/b][/color] | Dying Before He Can Save His Mom Fear of Being Alone Fear of His Own Abilities/Powers Of Not Fitting In | [color=a187be][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Queens, NY Orlando, Florida | [color=a187be][b]Family[/b][/color] | Father: Hunter, Mark - No powers. Died of Cancer. Mother: Hunter, Andrea - No powers. Murdered. | [color=a187be][b]History[/b][/color] | Adrian Hunter is a graduating senior at Athens High. His abilities come from a meteorite that granted him the Push/Pull abilities very similar to that of the 6th Pein from Naruto. On top of feeling alienated for being half black and half white, his story will take a darker and darker twist as his abilities isolate him more and more from his friends and family. This metaphorical separation soon becomes a literal separation as his greatest ability develops and hurls him through a black hole only to reemerge in a later timeline where over half a decade has passed. His friends have aged, the world has changed and his mother was murdered in his absence. Also, he has aged too. His goal is to return to the past to save his mother but a whole lot happens in between learning how to deflect bullets and having the ability to control something that can rip through the fabrics of time and space. Adrian accepts the call because they offered him three things; A super suit, a place to train his abilities/assist in getting back to his own time and a lead on who killed his mother. | [color=gray][b]Extra[/b] | I don't have a favorite super hero/Eastern Time Zone/This is a High-Casual RP, so I suggest you bring your A-Game![/color] [/hider] [hider=The real person I based this superhero off of] [color=0072bc]Origin:[/color] [img]https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12573128_130260774019839_8213546745778851526_n.jpg?oh=9197be6aced1b955498fc987b97ffa9a&oe=57C0EAE1[/img] [color=a187be]Current:[/color] [img]https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12510475_130259617353288_2916421822340165000_n.jpg?oh=cffb87b73dc5ac8888f9597340a60b96&oe=580BFDF1[/img] [sub]James Mead[/sub] [/hider] [/hider]