It came as no surprise for Lucrezia that the demon countered her offer almost immediately. While she retained the calm demeanour on the outside, the small signs—a momentary shift in expression, a piercing look, a quirked brow; things that flew past almost anyone's attention. They were all very visible for Lucrezia, who took wicked delight in the reaction. She knew how much it angered demons to have their territory, their prey challenged. Impulsive, thrill-seeking ones were quick to snap and go blow-for-blow to assert their dominance, while those more [i]refined[/i] preferred to wage subtle and intricate battles by other means. Lucrezia's newfound opponent, much to her contentment, was visibly the latter. The way she spoke every word and made every move in a grand effort to draw in the young woman was admittedly quite intriguing to watch for the venerable demon. It was a skilled foe she was up against—and that was exciting. In the end, both offers found their mark all at once—or rather, neither of them did, as the girl instead took it upon herself to have the demons for a drink. She bore no objection either and quickly walked over to the bar to order, leaving the two behind for a moment. [color=crimson]“It's a shame we can't have her both,”[/color] Lucrezia said over to the other in hushed tones with a smirk before walking up to the counter herself. [color=crimson]“Why, that is most kind of you. A perfect Martini is all I need right now.”[/color] There was no need for a complicated order—the emphasis was somewhere else right now. [color=crimson]“Commendable work back there. You look like someone who stands up for their morals. That is...rather rare nowadays. Especially at places like this.”[/color] She struck up the conversation. [color=crimson]“So tell me... What brings you to the 7th Sin?”[/color]