The onslaught had taken its toll. The creature was forced back falling into the muddy earth. It even seemed to be melting. Then why did it feel colder? The golem shattered sending ice spikes in all directions. A smaller golem, now maybe twenty feet as opposed to thirty, stood up still with the black mass at its core. A distorted inhuman voice echoed from it as the blizzard began again, “rýdulæg asír” It seemed that the group had underestimated the intelligence of the being as it was now beginning to cast spells itself. It summoned multiple small constructs made of the ice. Soon the group was outnumbered ten to one by the constructs. “Canon fodder.” Jaklo hissed, “Too scared to fight us alone? Either way more grist for the mill.” As much as Jaklo had enjoyed running around it was clear the group needed to hold the defensive for now. Throwing themselves at the golem had just made it change tactics and it didn’t seem like the loss of size mattered that much. “Let’s keep this tight. We need to report this to the investigations team, let them know what to look for. Someone get in contact we’ll cover. Cass know any wards? Now’d be a good time to start using those. Drake run intercept on the big guy. Everyone else, range is hot.” On the last word Jaklo reloaded Arcane Justice with normal buckshot, and fired into the field of advancing constructs.