Zach notices the unspoken apology in the priest's face, but he smiles and waves it away easily. He's not bothered in the least by spending time with the child, apart from that it will give him less time with the priest. If Kiel [i]really[/i] wants to do him a favour, he should stay away from the church and spend time with him instead. Preferably in bed - or on any horizontal surface. Zach isn't picky. He also knows, however, that a situation like that is a long way off yet. No, the priest will go into his stupid church and come out drenched in the scent of frankincense or whatever blessed concoction they're burning today. It's never holy enough to do him any harm, but it's usually biting enough to itch fiercely if he breathes in too much of it. At least he'll be away from the most consecrated parts of the church grounds. Sure, the gardens are tended to by the clergy, but it is also where they bury their stashes of hard liquor and where the younger ones mull about as they indulge in the sin of sloth. All in all not a bad place for him, especially since the flowers really are quite beautiful this time of year. Zach leaves the clean-up to the priest for once, and quickly shoves a few things into a bag before he is off to leave Kiel to his groveling - or whatever he has to do to make up for the 'sin' he imagined he committed. Sarah still seems a bit nervous as they head out, looking back to the priest's house several times as they make their way over to the church gardens. He knows not to try and push her, and instead chats lightly about everything and nothing to give her something to focus on if she prefers. They pass the vegetable part of the garden - what's the point of looking at something if it isn't beautiful after all - and then they are surrounded by a variety of sweet-smelling flowers. "I like to look at flowers when I feel sad," he says, without really meaning to. "It's nice to see that there are beautiful things in the world, even when bad things have happened." There is no point to talking to the girl; she isn't part of his assignment. It shouldn't matter that she shrinks back from unexpected motions and that her eyes constantly dart around like she is constantly on guard. I shouldn't matter, but with her walking close and holding on to the hem of his shirt, it kind of feels like it does. He sighs internally, but doesn't wipe the gentle smile that had crept onto his face away. Whatever. It's not like caring about an insignificant human child is going to impact his mission in any way, and it might score him points with the priest if the kid likes him. It won't be the first time he followed his whims and still got the job done. "You know what? Kiel couldn't come with us, but I think he would like to see the flowers as well. We can't pick any of them, so I guess we'll have to find another way to bring them to him." he reaches into his bag and takes out not one, but two sketch pads and a handful of pencils. He gestures to the stone bench in the middle of the flower patches and extends the art supplies to the little girl. "What do you say, Sarah? Want to make something nice for Kiel?"