The interior of the hotel room seemed nice enough, but the idea of being so alone with Jane again felt much better than any room. It was something he really had grown to miss, and on top of all of the madness that seemed to surround him and her recently, this seemed like that they may have needed. There was hope here, and as Jane hopped onto Rob, there seemed to be pleasure as well. Maybe they’ve be able to move on from this funk, and just manage to be friends again. Be what they always had wanted to be in each other’s lives. …and then Jane jumped out of his arms. Rob looked down, at first confused as to the sudden cease that had taken place, but then he saw what she had; a mark Zoe had left just hours ago. A panic swept over him, and he placed a hand on his head. “Fuck,” he muttered, leaning back on the nearby wall. [i]How did he not see this coming?[/i] Not only had it been foolish of him to even subconsciously not talk about this with Jane, but thinking that this evening, this time they would be spending together, could be normal without discussing what they had been doing with other people? It made no sense. [i]”I slept with Andy,”[/i] she came suddenly, confirming Rob’s fears. Perhaps he hadn’t fully accepted it, or perhaps he knew it was coming all along, but something about hearing her say it felt so terribly bad. A feeling he knew he had no right to feel, considering what had taken place just this morning. In a sense, he felt anger at himself for feeling anger at Jane, and was so quickly taken for a loss for words. He didn’t know what to do or what to say. This situation came so quickly and suddenly for him, with no thought or preparation. So he simply waited to hear what Jane had to say. As she finished, Rob felt himself sliding down the wall with his back, and ended up sitting on the floor, back against the wall. From this position, he looked up to Jane. He saw her struggling to tell him how she felt. How she just wanted to be clear on things. To be on the same page. And what could he have told her? [i]I never wanted to be casual, but you got so suddenly distant so I latched onto another person?[/i] It was so hard to just admit the truth of the matter; he and Jane hadn’t been very close at all. Not since the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame could he say they truly had a great moment. Intimate moments, maybe. Moments where they admitted what they were thinking, But true happiness? It had been a long time since then. It was the road. It was the bands. It was them. It was so many things at once. Rob hardly knew where to start. Here Jane was, acting as he would. Desperately trying to talk it out. And all Rob had wanted for this day was not to deal like this. To have a happy moment again. “I was with Zoe,” Rob croaked out. His eyes were leveled out, staring holes into the floor by Jane’s feet. “I knew you figured that, but I guess I’ll just say it out loud for both our sakes.” Rob tried to look back up to Jane again. “I don’t know, J. I mean, I didn’t initially want this. I told you that in the states. The only reason I had asked you for that was cause in some fucked up way I thought it was what you wanted. But now? Even having agreed to be like this, I feel like the only time I see you is when we’re intimate. And, I love when we’re intimate, but…the only time we talk is when we’re physically together like that. Every other time…I don’t know. It’s like I’m playing a guessing game.” Rob sighed and looked back down. “I guess that’s what I’m thinking right now.” For for the first time in a while, he couldn’t think of anything else to add. So he merely waited. Lord knew the extent of what they talked about would take a while to really sink in for him.