[u][color=ed1c24][center][h1]~Shizune Yoshida~[/h1][/center][/color][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/1QWwPPJ.png [/img][/center] [hr] Shizune grunted, at least acknowledging that she appreciated her friend’s humor. At this point she wanted nothing more than to think of things that didn’t involve bloodshed or the constant threat of being killed. So as it was, she was lost in thought even as Jack made it his sworn duty to lock them all in while Anri decided to make a fool of herself by calling them out on trying to keep their minds intact. [color=ed1c24]“Hmm? Yes, we should. Like I said before, this is the World of Wasted Dreams,”[/color] she said finally with a cool voice, addressing Anri, Katashi, and Alex all at once. [color=ed1c24]“The monster that took Mii is something called the Friagne. I’d rather not say what it does to its victims, but Mii is most likely dead….hopefully. You don’t want to know the…alternative…where’s Tony?”[/color] Only now did she come to realize that the boy had said anything at all since their escape from the above floor. Now that she thought about it, she couldn’t see him anywhere at all either. Oh no…had they left him behind by accident? Had the Friagne grabbed him before anyone could take notice after all? [color=ed1c24]“Tony is most likely dead too. We need to-get away from there!”[/color] Her soft words turned into a sharp, sudden hiss when she finally noticed what Jack was doing. The boy had walked right up to the faucet without notice or care and had attempted to fix it. Was he trying to get them killed? Ignoring the others with a renewed expression of pure rage on her face, Shizune ran towards the ignorant boy and prayed nothing would happen. So dead set was she on her goal that when she tackled him to the ground, her body refused to stop trembling with anger. Her eyes narrowed, showing off their red gleam as she held him to the floor. She did not speak, pupils searching for any sign of anything that would hinder him; only when he checked out ok did she visibly relax, a sigh escaping. [color=ed1c24]“Do you just touch everything that looks out of place here?” she spat, fingers gripping him harder. “Well don’t! Wait for me to tell you if it’s safe. Got it?”[/color] As she threw Jack away from her, she got up and brushed herself off, slowly but surely calming down. The group wouldn’t have much time to recover though when the sound of wood cracking was heard before finally giving way. The wondering Alexis, who had awakened in a room above them, would walk across a weakened piece of the flooring before tumbling down into their room. She would leave a gaping black hole from the ceiling due to her descent. [hr] [center][@KoL], [@rechonq], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Unlucky0013], [@Lonewolf685], [@Always][/center]