Name: Blais (Blaze) Hornfild Age: 13 Trainer Class: Psychic (Novice) Physical Description: Blais is a short boy standing at 5’4 and thin weighing at a slightly below average 112 pounds. Hair is black with a strip of blonde running through the bangs; the length being long and shaggy always dangling in his face. He has one ear pierced and often wears a necklace with a purplish-pink gem (Looks like the one on an Espeons forehead.). His clothes consists of an oversized, plain, black long sleeve shirt that falls over his hands so he usually keeps the sleeves rolled up, and light lavender cargo shorts that fall over his knees. Along with his attire he wears a belt to hold the pokeballs as well as a bag that is strung over his left shoulder and down to his right hip that is the colour of an off white with the buttons and stitching being the same shade of lavender as his bottoms. Sporting black shoes with purple laces to finish off his quirky look. Personality: Blais often tries to appear much tougher than he actually is. He walks around with his head held high and a smirk on his face trying to be mysterious but in actuality he is a total klutz tripping over his own feet and words. Thinking ahead when in battle is is forte, keeping his mind clear and keeping his own moves three steps forward, though this causes him to have his head in his clouds of thought and not really focused on the present. Though his intentions are good, he is also has a round about way of addressing situations and people merely droning on and on but not really getting to the point of what he is trying to say. He claims it will add to mysterious facade he is trying to uphold but in the end it makes him a little awkward to be around. Despite his quirks he is genuinely nice and attempts to befriend those he meets in hopes that they do not look at him any differently because of him being a psychic. Setting out on the journey he hopes that as time goes on he can hone in on these weak telekinetic powers he has. He does not show them off as they more happen on accident depending on his emotional state nor does he hide them. Just merely he is more so embarrassed that at his age he cannot control them yet. With hopes that this will help him, he keeps a positive attitude all while trying to be level headed and not let his optimism take off. Background: A family who resides in Lavender town, Blais did not have many friends because the town was always so desolate beyond the adults and older people who resided there. His father is also a psychic along with his older brother. He was close to his family until his brother progression of channeling was rapid and set expectations that Blais could not meet. This caused his relationship with them to be strained. His brother left for his journey when Blais was eight mending the relationship he had with his father slowly but surely. Even though his father expected Blais to be just as quick as his brother, his mother was always there to support him and told him to grow at his own pace. Talking to both his parents about leaving, his father tried to talk Blais from doing such a thing as his powers were still unpredictable, but his mother convinced them both otherwise and Blais set out for Pallet town. Pokémon: Ghastly: Celtic (Kel-tick) - Celtic is a playful prankster like pokemon who brings out Blais’s true colours. Though Celtic is also looking out for Blais who is, by nature, very klutzy. They became friends in the Pokemon Tower and Celtic was the only thing Blais considered to be his friend when living there. Inventory: -Lucky Charm -Rope -200 Pokedollars -Potion -Water bottle -Old rod (Inherited from his older brother.) -Camping bag PC Stash: -500 Pokedollars.