[quote=@darkandstar] Appearance: He often wears his smithing clothes. Otherwise, he wears simple high-capacity clothing, stuff with lots of pockets. He is rather strong, but not in the sense that he deliberately builds muscle, rather that he simply works them. Name: Kiril Stanlislav Age:(1000! You said no max ;3 ) 35 Origins:Born in the Czech republic, grew up in Georgia. Came to NYC after the violence began, thinking himself capable of solving the world's problems. Personality:He values community and "old-world" ideals, driving him to take up a mission to restore them. That said, he is not naive, he's had more than a few encounters with unsavory types and he's come out alive every time, and it's hardened him. He's untrusting, but kind. Likes:Community, Friendship. Dislikes:Disorder, the Reborn. Backstory: A fisherman in Georgia, he lived a simple life. When the apocalypse struck, he lost track of his family and was forced to flee on his ship. He spent two years on that boat, floating in a dead-end ocean, surviving. He eventually shipwrecked, and survived on his own in the woods for awhile, travelling, staying away from large cities and population centers. Eventually, he found himself another ship. Hoping for safety across the sea, he set course for the Western world. As he would soon know, his hopes were futile, and there was no safety to be found. Low on fuel, he decided to move inland to hopefully survive there. This brought him to GYNC, and he offered up his hard-earned skills for shelter inside. Profession:Smithy Equipment/weaponry: A sword, and rifle that he made. He also carries a revolver that he did not make. Other: (Anything extra about your character which doesn’t fall in the other categories.) [/quote] Alright... first off, I'm gonna have to say that I would've preferred if you submit your sheet here in the OOC rather than the CS. For two, the quality in this sheet is lacking and it has some errors in its logic. If he was a fisherman, where did he learn how to smith? Between travelling the seas for years and getting to the GNYC, they would've had to learn from somebody with previous experience and even becoming a Smith good enough to forge a proper sword would've taken many, many years of work. Not to mention somehow knowing how to make a gun, something difficult to do even in the past without extensive training. Personality is severally lacking and appearance similarly so. All in all, I can't accept this sheet unless it goes through heavy reforms to meet standards.