"Yes, you've said," Gregor remarked casually when Loka explained for the umpteenth time that she had only been looking at the green-coated nobleman. He had already finished his meal (a simple steak with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables, the heartiest meal he could find on the menu) and moved his plate aside. He didn't deign to respond to her cheeky dessert comment. Her question afterwards, however, was more interesting. Gregor thought about it for a few seconds and responded with an almost imperceptible shrug. "Haven't faced a threat I couldn't deal with on my own yet," Gregor replied in an equally low voice. He considered telling her that he thought the Templars were doing this to weaken him, not help him, but decided against it. "But I suppose having another pair of eyes and hands doesn't hurt. As for where we're going, it's Couronnesbourg, the city I told you about. We'll travel by carriage." Gregor tilted his head and looked at her pensively. "What do you think it is that I do?" he asked, curious.