If anyone would like me to change anything then just let me know- this is just what I thought Hecate would naturally feel towards each individual. [hider=Hecate Moreau Relationships][center][hr][hr][h1][color=9966CC]Hecate Moreau[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/22a724b40f50c0facf67f6ccf0e3af8b/http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d71/kyouzamashi/tumblr_inline_mqpbfpElPt1qz4rgp_zps5f5d8b65.gif[/img] [color=9966CC]{[/color][i]"Don't pretend, I think you know I'm damn precious. Hell yeah I'm the motherfucking princess."[/i][color=9966CC]}[/color] [color=c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral || [color=215435]☮[/color] Friends || [color=0050cc]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ff0000]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=800800]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=black]☠[/color] Enemies[/center][hr][hr] | [color=Lightcoral][b]C A S P E R . V A N S L Y K E[/b][/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]} [color=FFE4E1]"[i]He's certainly cute...a bit too soft for me, though.[/i]"[/color] Hecate appreciates that Casper is a good man, but really doesn't see past that. His neutrality and warm nature is somewhat boring to her, but the hatred he feels towards vampires and werewolves is intriguing. If given the opportunity, she'd love to scope him out a bit more; find out what really makes him tick. She is aware of his good looks and may flirt with him a little for fun, but she wouldn't be comfortable with stretching anywhere past distant friends with this one. | [color=Lightcoral][b]R A I N I . Y I L M A Z[/b][/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color] Neutral } [color=FFE4E1]"[i]Who? Oh, she's the one that tries to blend in. Doesn't fool me, though.[/i]"[/color] Hecate has certainly noticed Raini. She doesn't know what it is, but for some reason she is very much aware of the girl. Although she seems nice enough, Hecate has noticed that there's a tough edge to Raini that is rare to see in people these days. An aspect of her respects Raini, while another is wary of her. She recognises what a valuable ally she would be, but hasn't quite managed to figure her out yet. | [color=Lightcoral][b]R E B E C C A . A C K E R M A N N[/b][/color] | {[color=black]☠[/color]} [color=FFE4E1]"[i]Oh. Her. She's all sugar and spice, and I don't like it.[/i]"[/color] There may be an aspect of jealousy that plays a large role in Hecate's dislike towards Rebecca. She sees the girl's beauty as threatening, and her enthusiasm as tedious. She doesn't make her distaste a secret either, showing a great deal of hostility if she happens to stumble upon Rebecca. It's probably best to keep her away, as the worst side of her can be seen when around the girl, who she assumes is also a werewolf. | [color=Lightcoral][b]D A N . C A R V E R[/b][/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} [color=FFE4E1]"[i]Don't really know the guy, and I'm not sure if I want to. [/i]"[/color] Hecate has heard this man's name quite a few times amongst the coven gossip. According to certain sources he is a dedicated hunter, merciless in his kills and pretty much untouchable. She is partly curious, but mostly cautious of him. There's not many people that she would purposefully avoid, but he's one of them. She doesn't hate him, no. In fact, she almost pities him. | [color=Lightcoral][b]F A T H E R . L U C A[/b][/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]} [color=FFE4E1]"[i]Theres no doubt about it, he's gorgeous. Almost makes me want to taste the forbidden fruit. Almost.[/i]"[/color] Father Luca is probably the only holy man Hecate has ever liked. Although the pair haven't spoken much, from what she has seen, he's a good, just man with a [i]very[/i] nice face. The fact that he is a priest, however, makes her pretty nervous in his presence, so she prefers to watch from a distance. | [color=Lightcoral][b]S É B A S T I E N . C H A R B O N N E A U[/b][/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]/[color=ff0000]♥[/color]} [color=FFE4E1]"[i]I like him. Wait, no, don't put that down. Does he like me? I mean, he's handsome and charming, what's not to like? [/i]"[/color] If one didn't know any better they would say that Hecate does quite fancy Sébastien. Of course, it's way more complicated than that. She feels as if she relates to him more than anyone else because of their similarities, both being from France and whatnot. She isn't afraid to occasionally flirt with him, yet most of the time keeps a respectful distance from him. They aren't quite close enough to properly know each other, and she fears he doesn't quite see past her icy walls. She insists on referring to him by his full name, claiming that it is beautiful and that she likes beautiful things and that's that. [/hider]