Lina seemed a bit down at the simple question, but she quickly recovered, beginning, "It's...not a good story. There was a bad pirate attack on the island about six years ago. We managed to fight them off, but there were a lot of casualties. You might not want to mention..." Before she could continue a trio of blue suited guys walked in. While one of them immediately went for a rack of clothing, another saw Chester and Lina. Stepping over, the taller man began, "Hey, if it isn't Reno's sis!" Reaching into his suit, he pulled out a brick of something or other wrapped in some white paper. "Here you've two have been aching for this stuff!" Lina glared, but said nothing. The man chuckled, "Come on, there's got to be a way you three can scrounge up the cash! What good is all that stupid youth for?" Letting out a sigh, Lina muttered to herself, only barely audible to Chester over the blue mafia goon's amusement. "It must be nice, being a pirate..."