[h3]Yuki - Back at Camp[/h3] The dreams she had were filled with images of her training, the Volkov line did not allow the weak among their number and so they were not fond ones... Still with her eyes closed as she relaxed by the fire she was at least safe while she relaxed, that was until she heard a voice. Ah as much she was hoping that she would awaken to another voice she at least leaned up and opened her eyes to respond, that was better than most got. Oh how she would have loved doing those vaguely-defined, family-friendly camping activities were most definitely not lewd or otherwise morally unsound in nature right about now... [b]"Hmmm?" [/b]She responded to her question about it, but she just needed to wake up a little before she decided to really respond to them. [b]"Ah right.. Yeah I could use the walk, and you may not be safe alone out there"[/b] With as straight a face as always she pushed herself up onto her feet and yawned, shaking free of the chains of slumber. [b]"Right.. What about going over to the stream to get some water while we are at it? IT is likely nice there this time of night too."[/b]