Footsteps. Footsteps were things Orchid knew well. He has lived in the forest long enough to know the difference between footsteps and animal steps. And while he couldn't be certain of the number or race, Orchid knew someone was coming. he readied his harpoon to hurl at the enemy if they showed hostility. But instead of an enemy, it was a family. A grown human adult with three smaller humans, who Orchid vaguely remembered were called children. Soon a woman arrived with a shield and spear, and Orchid nearly hurled his harpoon at her assuming she was an enemy. But she didn't face them, instead facing the direction they came from. Orchid was confused until things became clear a few seconds later; they were being chased by Kobolds. Orchid didn't know much about Greenest. He didn't know if Kobolds were native to this area or possibly the main inhabitants of this town. Perhaps they were defending themselves against this lone woman the only way weak kobolds could; by getting into a large group and swarming the enemy. He didn't know where the man and the children came into the picture, but Orchid wasn't one for overthinking. Right now things were pretty simple to him: This woman was defending this man and the small ones from the gang of kobolds. Kobolds are like miniature, weaker dragons, which would mean they probably are working for the larger, far stronger dragon flying somewhere in the sky. So to Orchid, they were his enemy. [color=a2d39c]"'Ere we go 'ere we go 'ere we go!"[/color] Orchid chanted as he charged up to the kobolds, getting to about twenty-feet to the closest one. He then hurled his harpoon right at the closest Kobold. It was one of the harpoons Orchid had prepped to spear the dragon, but he was fine with using it against the kobolds. After he threw his harpoon Orchid took out his machete, holding his broad blade bushwhacker with both hands. [color=a2d39c]"Fight me and die!"[/color] [hider=Rolls] Initiative = [url=]7[/url] Harpoon Attack = [url=]24[/url] Harpoon Damage = [url=]8[/url][/hider]