FallenTrinity & Emma Collaboration post. He didn’t understand. Why? Why of all people was he taken hostage by this blue….[i]demon[/i] and several others? Was he going to eat him? Were they all apart of a sacrifice? On top of that, he wanted to know more about what happened after his sight went dark and awaking to skeletons of his former co-workers. Was there a rescue team or search team that came through? Did they even know he was alive. Right now though his main objective was to establish communication. He attempted to talk to them once more, only for his words to fall on deaf ears. He looked to the group with exhaustion before plopping down where he stood and rubbed his temples in frustration of the language barrier. [color=9e0b0f]"Це не відбувається. Це не відбувається. Це мрія, я перебуваю в ліжко, криза ніколи не сталося, і я прокинусь з моєю дружиною, приготування кави перед моєї ранкову зміну.”[/color] ([i]This is not happening. This is not happening. It's a dream, I'm in bed, the crisis never happened, and I woke up with my wife making coffee before my morning shift.[/i]) He shook his head as he squinted his eyes closed and pinched himself. A few minutes went by before he slowly opened his eyes again and looked around. [color=9e0b0f]"Що ебать!”[/color] He slammed his fist on the ground, unaware he left a dent in it. Instead the Ukrainian laid back and looked up to the ceiling and sighed as he tried to find a ray of hope among this darkness. Samantha waited for the woman sitting next to her to respond, but the lady just ignored her and followed the others off the transport. Nightcrawler had briefly mentioned that all this had to do with recruiting mutants to fight some cause, but Samantha didn’t really see why they would need her. She had no handle on her abilities, so she quickly decided to stick around for the training part of this craziness. Glancing around she saw that the last of the passengers were making their way out of the ship, except for one man who was sitting on the ground looking terrified. It took her a second to recognize that he was not speaking english. She walked over to him and stretched out her hand offering to help him up. [color=8882be]“Ти розмовляєш англійською?”[/color] She asked speaking perfect Ukrainian. The poor guy seemed on the verge of a brake down. Michael looked up and shook his head as he laid back on the ground.[color=9e0b0f] “Я не роблю, але його добре знають, що хтось тут говорить мій мови.”[/color] [i]I don't but its good to know that someone here speaks my language.[/i] He smirked as he politely waved off the offered hand. He sighed.[color=9e0b0f] “Я просто хочу знати, що відбувається, і що сталося після криза. Мені потрібно, щоб переконатися, що моя сім'я є безпечним. Що таке поточну дату, і вони зробили будь-які спроби прибирати?”[/color] [i]I just want to know what's going on and what happened after the meltdown. I need to make sure my family is safe. What's today's date and have they made any attempts to clean up?[/i] He looked to her with an exhausted smile. She wondered what meltdown he was talking about. [color=8882be]“Ну сьогодні – 10 квітня. Я думаю, ми могли б з'ясувати, чому ми зібралися тут, якщо ми переходимо вулицю. Потім може бути ви могли дізнатися про вашу сім'ю.”[/color] Sam said calmly to him. They were the last two on the transport ship, and whatever was being discussed outside didn’t seem to be going over well with the others. [color=8882be] “Єдина інформація, я була надана був, що ми були набрані для боротьби з деяких причин. Я думаю, що більшість з нас були транспортовані тут без згоди.”[/color] Sam said as she glance over at the open exit. Looking on the bright side was not something Samantha was very good at, so she just plopped down next to the guy, putting off the inevitable. He sat up, shaking his head and repeated [i]”Niet”[/i], no, and held his head. [color=9e0b0f]”Ви кажете, десятий квітня? Це неможливо. Я був там, коли криза сталося, і це сталося на двадцять шостий.”[/color] He seemed to be thinking about something. [color=9e0b0f]”Де вони їм переїхати?”[/color] She didn’t really know what he was talking about, but he looked like hell. [color=8882be]“Тільки хороші справа в тому, що ми будемо можливо навчитися контролювати наші здібності.”[/color] She said as she took her iphone out of her pocket to check the time. She had expected today to be just like any other, and she really didn’t really know what to do with herself right now. Weirdly she was totally ok with being teleported out of her bland life in LA. [color=9e0b0f]”Sam...Michael. Спочатку ВЫКЛ не маю будь-який здібності. По-друге”[/color] He smiled until he saw her phone. [color=9e0b0f]”“Коли чорт вони приходять на ринок?”[/color] he pointed to the phone. [color=9e0b0f]“Я не думаю, що ми мали технологія для щось на зразок цього.”[/color] Who was he trying to fool claiming he had no abilities. Apparently he needed a good long look in the mirror. Based on the dented floor, and strange goop next to him, he had a number of abilities. She raised her eyebrows as she looked from him to the blobs. [color=8882be]“Ви впевнені, про що.”[/color] She said to him quietly. A look of confusion passed over him as Michael glanced to where she looked. That was there the whole time wasn’t it? Sam was surprised he didn’t know what an iphone was, she was pretty sure every country in the world used them. [color=8882be]“Це просто iphone. Вони не продаються в Україні?”[/color] She asked him opening the unlock screen to show him. The only conclusion she could come up with was that Eastern Europe must be behind on the times. She tapped the camera app, and it opened up the selfie screen. [color=8882be]“Я думаю, що перший iphone вийшов в 2007 році.”[/color] Sam said remembering that her older brother got one for his 17th birthday, two months before the crash. [color=9e0b0f]”Ні. Ні вона у 1986 році. Я народився в 1960 році. Немає ніякої можливості, що 21 років пройшло з тих пір…”[/color] His voice trembled as he looked to her with concern. Twenty one years. Twenty one years of darkness before waking up into an advanced world. He opened his mouth to say something but instead he just struggled to his feet, and made his way outside. [color=9e0b0f]“Я отримав, щоб подихати свіжим повітрям.”[/color] Shaking his head he went to stand but struggled up as he felt his sight starting to go again. The Ukranian heard voices coming from outside and made his way to them. It felt like the weight of the world fell on his shoulders as he dropped to the ground behind the group face first, the overwhelming news causing him to pass out.