[hider=Nikolai Petronov] Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/777a/i/2015/122/2/5/metro_2033_ranger_by_thefirewarriors-d2mo79h.jpg[/img] [/hider] Basically just a Ranger from the Metro series. Name: Nikolai Petronov Age: 29 years old Origins: Nikolai was born in the Metro tunnels of Moscow. Having been built during the Soviet Union, the tunnels were designed to survive the force of a nuclear war, not a zombie apocalypse. The Russian military put up a decent fight but it was only a couple of years before they were overwhelmed in the cities. Anywhere that the military had been, settlements were built to scavenge supplies and equipment so when many Metro stations were fortified into small towns, no one was surprised. Most of these towns were incapable of producing everything their slightly growing populations needed however and trade between Metro stations was suicidal on the best of days. It seemed that they were doomed to die only a short distance from what they needed. However, when necessity strikes, people adapt. Those who would fight left the stations to beat back the darkness, these people have earned the title of STALKER. Personality: Nikolai isn't an easy man to impress nor is he overly confident. Being careful and knowing his limits has kept him above ground (figuratively of course). When he is around others he is friendly, calm and patient, he tends to be cold when alone. Likes: Ammunition, Warm water, Being underground, Having human company. Dislikes: Food more than 30 years out of date, The ocean, Overly confident or overbearing people. Backstory: Before the apocalypse, Nikolai was an extreme tour guide. Leading people through Siberia and Pripyat was exciting as well as easy. The money he could charge for a simple hiking trip was outstanding. Through his years as a tour guide he learned a little of several languages and became fluent in English as most of his customers were from the West. His family consisted of his mother and his dog. Both of whom died shortly after the Reborn showed up. His mother had a fatal heartattack and his dog had been exposed to radiation a few too many times. After people started being torn apart, Nikolai packed up and headed out to Pripyat. Knowing that the only people there would be military police or a few tourists made him think he would be safe. He was staying with friends in Moscow when it all came crashing down and trying to drive out of the city was the worst plan he ever had. The military was frenzied in the streets, shooting wildly and killing indiscriminately. His car was overturned by a stray rocket propelled grenade before he made it even a mile. The next memory he has is waking up underground. After that he took to being a guard in the station that took him in. Once times got desperate, he volunteered to seek help. He has been looking ever since. Eight years and hundreds of friends later, a project put together by the stations to set up communication with the rest of the world has been put in place. Nikolai was among the last to volunteer. As such, he got on the boat with some reluctance. Profession: Nikolai is a Ranger. One of the people who roam the tunnels and the surface of Moscow in search of supplies and survivors. Though usually referred to as STALKER by those living in the Metro, he is considered among the elite. Equipment/weapons: [hider=AK-102] [img]http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/weekendspetsnaz/Zenit_parts_3_017.jpg[/img] [/hider] AK-102 Carbine - One of the few Russian made guns to fire the 5.56 x 45 NATO round. [hider=MP-443] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/9mm_Yarygin_pistol_PYa.jpg[/img] [/hider] MP-443 Grach Pistol - Most commonly issued police pistol in Russia. [hider=MTs255 sawed off] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a6/4a/a0/a64aa04ce6437ed1f747e2bf9106d90e.jpg[/img] [/hider] The MTs255 is a revoling action 12 guage shotgun. This is the sawed off version. [hider=Kukri] [img]http://www.coldsteel-uk.com/store/royal-kukri-machete-large.jpg[/img] [/hider] Kukri - After years of using it, Nikolai is quite proficient. Sealed bottle of vodka - For a special occasion Gas mask - Only a burden until you need it. Miscellaneous survival equipment - Skinning knife, canteen with charcoal tablets, lighter, flashlight etc. Nothing uncommon. Other: Nikolai is immune to the smell of burning Reborn and their screams due to the common practice of using flamethrowers in the Metro. [/hider]