[center][IMG]http://puu.sh/ps5OJ/9d061f8668.png[/IMG] [Hider=Black Cat] [IMG]http://www.hawtcelebs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/zoe-kravitz-in-flaunt-magazine_1.jpg[/IMG] Interacting with Edwin/[@Morose] Location: Doc 32A [/hider][/center] [hr] The letter seemed like a blessing and a curse while Aja tried to relax in the late evening. Curse because here she was, first helicopter ride, still awake during the day, wondering how her life was going to turn out. She never left orlando before, but now she was going to leave behind her whole life, graduate school and her family to go and go to cali, who knows where else to play some sort of superhero or spy? Espionage? Who knew. And the idea that she had to take orders definitely sounded like a vice. Still, she was excited to see who she'd mesh with, and how her abilities compared to the others. If she wasn't anything short of third or second place when it came to offensive abilities, that would be a low blow to her pride, however, she doubted it would come to that. She twirled her monroe piercing as the ruby jewel glistened in the artificial light. A small ray of sun also peeked through the crevices of her makeshift window cover. Almost immediately her face crinkled. No light please...Just set already. The little ray was contributing to making her a bit sleepy though. A flash of one of her close friends passed through her mind. Adrian. She had done a lot to repress that time, his disappearance and Aja feeling so helpless at the time. She shook it off though. She wasn't going to go down this road again, and not on the day that marked the biggest change in her life. Maybe she'd put her mind at rest for now... The helicopter landed early morning as Aja woke up to a change in scenery. As she stepped off the helicopter, she took in a deep breath of air. It wasn't the same. Humidity, smells and for some reason even the sky looked brighter. She smirked. She definitely was bugging right now. As her black flats hit the each step, she could more closely make out the others who already seemed to be engaged in conversation. She sighed. Not being the first one there is crappy but being the last could work to her benefit. At the first step, she was shocked from those heights to REALLY see how many others their were. Surveying the "competition" so to speak, she was even more surprised to one floating. Definitely more impressed than she'd care to admit by the big one though. If there were girls they wouldn't intimidate her, as far as she was concerned she was going to make sure at the very least, she was the alpha female. Closer towards the dock where she could see the rest of the gang but still not within earshot, she noticed that there was a speech going on, too many of them staring the same way. Being that late didn't bother her. It was kind of like lab when your lab professor starts droning on about the things you already know before you can start the procedure. She hoped she caught the very ending of it anyway. All she knew was she was up for more traveling, honing of her skills and didn't mind the things she had to do to get there. Aja would make no attempt at offering her name but decided if she were to be asked, it would be best to just give them her alias and let her abilities do most of the talking... Unless the letter had a detailed description of them all. She wouldn't have known since she stopped reading once she hit the section about traveling and abilities. Habit. As she joined the rest of the group, she could hear loudly [color=662d91]"So, how many of you will call yourselves proud members of the Powerbound Alliance?"[/color] How many of them would be there had they not decided they were going to become members? Coming to a full halt, she could finally join in conversation. [color=7ea7d8]"Is there Netflix there? That might be a deal breaker for me..."[/color] The red head asked. [color=a187be]"Girl if you don't stop with the irrelevant questio..."[/color]She trailed off (Keep in mind that Aja didn't realize she actually said that, only believed she THOUGHT it). A waft of cheesy tomato goodness came her way. She could hear her stomach growl almost in tune, with the fact that all she had was ramen all morning (college kids are broke you know!). A smile widened as she picked up two slices and continued to stuff her face, practically ignoring the rest of the group.