[hider=Brynn Sauburn] [img]http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/choppy-hairstyles/nurtur-haircut.jpg[/img] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Brynn Rita Sauburn [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] 5'3 | 120 lbs Brynn has cut her own hair about once a year for almost 8 years now, it's choppy, it's messy, but it works. It's just long enough to pull into a pony tail. Besides not like anyone else really has nicer hair. She's got grey eyes that look like the sky when it's overcast, and a great smile that doesn't appear much anymore. Just like everyone else her clothes depend on what she's doing. She's got some surgical gloves but those she usually saves for the more hardcore surgeries. She also has a white-ish lab-coat but it's age shows and it's starting to get pretty old. Other than that it's T-shirts, jeans and boots or whatever else is readily available. She's not too picky. [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] twenty-eight [u][b]Origins:[/b][/u] St.louis/ Pennsylvania /New york [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] She's trying to be serious, you can hear it in her voice. The way it hits higher notes when the subject turns to dark humor, or the way she breaths a sigh when the injured return from outside. She acts like its the end of the world, like it's live or die with every step made, and that there is one way to make it out of this mess and it's a thin wire to walk. She wants as many people to stay alive with her, it's why she became a doctor in the first place, she just doesn't want to let anyone down. She wants everyone to be as safe as possible. [u][b]Backstory:[/b] [/u] It was like recalling a detail from the month before, "What was she wearing when she went missing?" "Do you remember what color his hair was?" Somethings are easy to remember, and somethings are not. It was easy to remember the little black chair in the corner of the apartment in St.louis, and easy to remember all the schools she went to. Names however, faces too, were never her strong suit. Brynn could tell anyone who'd listen that she grew up in the st.louis suburbs and that her parents were divorced as so many were, it didn't even faze her now that they might be gone. But all that was before 2010, before she even finished high school. Changing schools the summer before senior year sucked. But her mom was moving to Pennsylvania and she could either come or stay with her dad and five half brothers, and that wasn't about to happen. Of course, now it's something to regret. He'd always been and end of the world fanatic, so he was fine, but all her friends, she just didn't know. Lela was gone, that was the worst of it. Everyone came back though, just as Brynn got into College. It almost seemed like two miracles at once. The brain-deadness was terrible and all, but at least they weren't entirely dead. Being an aspiring doctor she knew it could be worse. Of course, things didn't exactly get better. The 'reborn' started acting rabid, and then everyone else followed suit. Being more of a doctor than other people made not getting killed easier. Bigger groups need doctors more and protect them. This is how she got through the darker years before GNYC really picked up. Inside there was even better, things were almost normal for once. [u][b]Profession:[/b][/u] GNYC Doctor [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Backpack- a little worn but still holds stuff First aid kit- just what you would expect, gauze, needle and thread, hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial ointment, ect. Sunblock- just 'cause there's a bigger threat doesn't mean the sun goes away. Water bottle- for water Hand-ax- a short ax, only about three feet long. It's more useful against doors than it is the reborn, but it can be used to break bones or chop off limbs if need be. It's main purpose is getting into locked or blocked areas. [u][b]Likes:[/b][/u] -Organization -things being clearly labeled -safety and safety equipment -horror and crime films and shows -logic games like "Clue" and "Guess who?" [b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b] -the opposite of the things in the 'likes' list (aside from the bottom two) -things without explanations -the sound of breaking bones -pessimists [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] -she can solve Rubik's cubes -she liked the idea of being a doctor not so much the practice but by the time she found out it was a little to late to change her mind -She doesn't know if her dad, mom, step mom, half-brothers, or old friends are okay or not -she didn't have many friends after she moved to Pennsylvania or in college [/hider]