Hey guys, I thought i'd toss my character in the ring. I look forward to roleplaying with ya'll if fate should have it. ^_^ [Hider=Jasmine]Name: Jasmine Vance Age: 13 Trainer Class: Breeder Physical Description: Jasmine is a brown skinned girl with sun-kissed honey blonde hair cut jaggedly so that she gives off a somewhat androgynous look from the face up. She's got spiky bangs that tend to cover her eyes, causing her to brush them out of the way from time to time. When you finally peek at her eyes, they're a sleepy hazel under big rimmed glasses, that keeps her round plush looking lazy. She wears overalls under a dark red shirt (once more doesn't help with the androgynous look, and the kind of round slippers you wouldn't want to traverse grass in. She's short for her age at 4 ft 2, and has a small scar on her left ankle. When she smiles, she sports deep dimples. Her lips are full and rosy, fitting her round frame. Jasmine is at a healthy weight for her age although she doesn't look skinny (form-fitting). Personality: An easy way to describe Jasmine is clumsy. She always has the greatest intentions and goes out of her way to help any and everyone in need but nine times out of ten it ends in more harm or leads to another problem. She's as sweet as can be, and has a passion for pokémon (loves watching them evolve!) but she doesn't really understand how to read people correctly, especially when they really REALLY don't want her input or help (then she'll try and fail to be sneaky when shadowing them to figure out why). She unintentionally talks loudly, and has a laugh that pretty much ends off in snorting. Besides that, she loves to gather information on her surroundings and pokémon (she would probably be the type to check out trainer schools before a gym), and always finds herself being supportive of her friends. She's emotional and downtrodden when it comes to letting people down but headstrong when it comes to her own perseverance. Background: Jasmine is actually from Cinnabar island originally, but her Dad moved to Pallet Town to work as aides under Oak, when she turned about eight. She's got an older brother named Amaranth (16) and younger brother, Aster (8). Her elder brother left off on his own adventures when he turned 13. Jasmine was jealous but so proud of him! Since then, she's been waiting for her to come of age to leave town and start her own adventure with her new friends, becoming the best breeder in the world! Pokémon: Eevee - Her Eevee, named Evan, has a loyal personality to Jasmine but is very timid at this stage. He hasn't been in a battle yet and has been coddled living with Jasmine and her family for about a year. (Jasmine's favorite pokémon types and what she aims to breed are Eevees.) It's time for him to show his stuff! Inventory: In Jasmine's cute black backpack she carries, a small bag of premium Pokéfood, 10 pokéballs, A general book on Pokécare, 1 Zinc, 1 Carbos (gifts from her parents), a small umbrella and a Comb to brush Eevee. PC Stash: ₽2000 pokédollars, Large bag of premium pokéfood[/Hider]