War. War, never changes. Now, it is a war for survival with a glimmer of hope in a place called Sanctuary hills. The Sole Survivor perished against the deathclaw and the Boston Commoners never made it here, this is our place now. THIS WILL BE STAT BASED. Everyone starts with the same 21 points across 7 stats and 1 starter point in each and no stat higher than 10. Next you will be starting the game at 5th level for perk choices or more stat stuffing. To keep things fair, lets view the theatrical versus mechanical: If you want to play a supermutant, I suggest you put 10 in Strength and buy big leagues. If you want to play a ghoul, I suggest you put 10 in Endurance and buy ghoulish. For staring equipment: Weapons: You start with 1 Standard Model melee weapon, 1 Standard Model ranged weapon with 100 (free) rounds, the total cost can NOT exceed 100 caps value. Bullets are going to be sold at a Apparel/armor: 200 credits to spread across Clothing/outfits/Armor/Headgear/Accessories. NO POWER ARMOR After selecting arms and armor, request 3 Legendary effects at least 1 of each for arm and armor so that I may grant 1 to you. Please do not try and be 'sneaky' by asking for 1 weapon, 2 armor, then taking no armor to 'force' me to give you the unique weapon choice. It will earn my ire. This will obviously be a survival-based game. You need food and water to survive, you need materials to build water pumps and forage for seed sources or hunt for meat. If your food and water total more than your Defense, Raiders will attack. Do you build turrets or invest materials in the best weapons and armor for yourself? So... Any takers?