[hider=Spirillum][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/2f/aa/42/2faa42dd995dc23146d0faa511756fea.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Spirillum Kettsia.[/indent] [b]Nickname: [/b] [indent]Spiril.[/indent] [b]Height/Weight:[/b] [indent]182 CM, 57KG.[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]22[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent] Honest, kind, protective and eager to learn. Spiril is a strange fellow. Most of the time he is a relatively laid-back guy, but when something sparks his interest he switches. Once he gets going he will not stop before he tracks down all the info there is about the subject, and at which point he will return to his dormant state until the next thing comes along. [/indent] [b]Home Island/Sea:[/b] [indent]Loguetown/ East Blue[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]Spiril grew up in Loguetown as the only child of the town two librarians, and as a child he spent most of his days in the library with his mom and dad. He would run around the library, grabbing random books off the shelves and returning to his parents so that he could have them read them to him. Sure, he didn't know what half the words were or what they meant, but the books interested him none the less. He could spend countless hours in his father lap listening to everything from pirate stories all the way to plant biology, and his parents rejoiced that it seemed that their son had inherited their hunger for knowledge. The years swiftly went by, but not much changed. Spiril and his family still spent most of their time in the library, but there were no longer any cozy dad and son moments, and over time Spiril developed a need for knowledge about the devil fruits. Their power amazed him, but they also horrified him as he started to understand just how much power they could give one person, sometimes making said person almost invincible. He kept digging and digging, searching for more knowledge until one day where he just stumbled upon one at a market. He was quick to offer the seller a huge amount of gold, but sadly the seller refused any offer that Spiril made, but he foolishly agreed to let Spiril hold it for a moment, and Spiril chomped down on the fruit the moment he had it in his hands. Safe to say that the seller wasn't too happy, and Spiril was quickly captured and put in a holding cell in one of the marines ships. [/indent] [b]Fruit:[/b] [indent] Name: Bacteria Bacteria Fruit Type: Paramecia. Description: The devil fruit gives Spiril the ability to create, control and destroy bacteria. [/indent] [b]Abilities/Race Traits:[/b] [indent]Spirli has pretty extensive medical knowledge for someone his age and he will have a pretty good idea of how do deal with most injuries, but he sucks at fighting. His powers give him no advantage when it comes to fighting, and since he has never been trained. So in a fight he is about as useful as a piece of wet toast.[/indent] [b]Fighting style:[/b] [indent]If he is forced to fight Spiril will try to inject bacterial cells into his opponent, and then try to outlast them as the bacteria slow deteriorates their immune system and makes them sick. [/indent] [b]Ship Positions:[/b] [indent]Currently none, but planning for him to be a doctor for Golden Fleece Pirates eventually. [/indent] [b]Bounty:[/b] [indent]N/A[/indent][/hider]