William was caught off guard by the sudden shove from Evelyn, and found himself falling headfirst into the cold blackness. He felt himself grow cold, tumbling over until he landed crosslegged on the floor of a much more warm and welcoming tavern. The tavern was alive and /actually/ had a barkeep. He glanced around and saw Evelyn, before waving at her and summoning his notebook, along with a number two pencil. He quickly sketched a response into it, before giving a bemused expression at some of things that had been written to him. He stood up and walked over to Evelyn, already starting to feel better from the dizzy spell he was suffering from. He glanced around and said, "Something's a bit off, though I can't quite remember what normal is, this is certainly weird." He mused. He cocked his head over to her, "Uh, I'm William by the way." He introduced himself, realizing they didn't know each other's names yet.