[center][h1][color=7E1B1B]Marcus Williams[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/5e06d4d666f1a5e03e272e0677516bd8/tumblr_o7g0ce8pto1v3swszo1_r1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A, near Helicopter [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: [b][color=A280FF]Lisa[/color][/b] - [@AbandonedIntel][hr][/center] Marcus gave Lisa a slight nod as she addressed him, but otherwise remained relatively quiet. He pulled his hands from his pockets, crossing his arms over his chest. The difference was fairly obvious, while otherwise he looked completely normal, the polished metal hand was more than clear in the darkness as he settled it atop his bicep. Normally he'd have had issue with even letting this much of it be seen, but then again he certainly wasn't the strangest one there, for once. There were a few people around in particular who caught his eye as he remained in the background. The first was definitely the cartoon, the actual, real, living toon. Marcus had seen some shit in his life, some things that he thought were fairly ridiculous but this definitely took the cake. Lisa seemed to express the same sort of befuddlement at Light that he was experiencing, and at the very least, he appreciated that he wasn't the only one. Marcus gave a good long look to each of the newcomers as they arrived, sizing them up and trying his best to discern what abilities they may have had if it wasn't already obvious, for the majority of them it wasn't easy, plenty of them looked rather normal. Except for the mirror-image kid, it was pretty easy to guess what his deal was. Tapping his metallic fingers against his arm slightly, his hand made the slightest whirring noise as the fingers moved rather easily. As Lisa spoke up again, he turned his gaze back toward her, raising an eyebrow as she began to explain the situation to them all. Initially, he seemed to be hesitant, the idea of being a big superhero was not something which Marcus ever particularly wanted, he didn't see himself as such, after all, he was just a veteran with a metal arm. However, the idea of operating in secrecy made the entire thing far more interesting to him. That, and the fact that this 'sanctuary' was probably going to be a lot better than his tiny, one-bedroom apartment in Istanbul, he was already struggling to pay rent after all. [color=7E1B1B][b]"It beats any other day-job."[/b][/color] He shrugged, essentially giving his answer as he nodded toward Lisa.