[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C-WHbWyVwAA1vhL.jpg[/img] [hider=Taza Iara Dystraay] [center][h1]Taza Iara Dystraay[/h1][/center] [center][sub][i]"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin[/i][/sub][/center] [b]| NICKNAME |[/b] [color=gray][indent] Taz, Tazy, Iara, whore, girl. Anything man can think up[/indent][/color] [b]| AGE |[/b] [color=gray][indent]24[/indent][/color] [b]| PHYSICAL APPEARANCE |[/b] [color=gray][indent] [hider=picture] [img]https://armstreet.com/catalogue/full/quiver-etched-brass-and-leather-bowman-archer-gear-8.jpg[/img] [/hider] Taza's not at all a threatening looking creature. Indeed she looks almost like a doll, with her fine features and short stature. She stands only 5'3 and weighs a little over 100 lbs, she has dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes and full pink lips set on very light olive coloured skin. She is a strong one for being so little, which only fools find out once it is too late. She wears heavy wool under garments and a light cotton dress that is a maroon in colour. She also wears a leather outer corset, long knee high leather boots and shoulder guards, as it is light while still offering some protection. She also wears one arm brace for shooting arrows. You will often see her with a thick leather studded choker necklace, this is as much for protection as it is for looks. She also wears this choker to hide a large scar that runs across her neck. [/indent][/color] [b]| PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Taza is in no way a virtuous young woman, this doesn't mean she doesn't have values or morals. But she knows the game, any nomad would. Even before the fall of the world she knew that people would cheat to get their own way, so why not her too? This way of thinking has left Taza a little rigid, but if you have her loyalty she will do nearly anything for you. Before the Fall, Taza often prayed to the gods and gave nearly daily devotions, but after the Fall, after what she saw the mages do. She now hates the magic users, even though now they can't do much. She hates them with such a burning passion that it cannot be described only felt. She still prays to the gods in hopes that they will hear her cries and come back, but her hope of them returning is slowly beginning to fade. [/indent][/color] [b]| BACKGROUND INFORMATION |[/b] [color=gray][indent] Taza was born into the Dystraay nomadic clan to the north, not far from the Wyld Folk border. Life even from the beginning was tough, as she was a small and sick baby. The clan chief had told her mother to leave her in the wilds as they had no time to care for a sick child. But her mother refused and prayed to the gods to make her daughter well, they seemed to take pity on her and answered her prayers. Though the gods made Taza well she was still very small, which made her an easy target for others to pick on. But she used her smallness and doll like features to good use as she was able to charm a few of the boys in her clan to protect her from those that bullied her. Her smallness also came in handy when hiding or even when spying, as she could be very hard to see when she wanted to be. One day when she was about 15, a horde of Wyld Folk attacked her clan. They killed the men and children out right but used the women before cutting their throats. And so was to be her fate, as they lined the women up and pushed them to their knees. She can still remember the feel of the hand the held her chin up and the cold steel of the blade held to her throat. She prayed then, a silent prayer asking the gods for help, the blade was dragged across her neck. She doesn't remember what happened after that, what she does remember is the smell of blood and the incredible pain that racked her body, but most of all her throat. She is unsure if the gods heard her prayer, or if she was simply lucky. All she knows is that she survived when no one else did. For a week after she stayed in the blood stained valley, taking care of her neck while also tending to the dead. While also giving devotions to the gods. Shortly after her neck had healed she wandered the wilds trying to come to terms with what she lived through. She wondered why the gods saved her and not her family. She contemplated ending her life, but it would of been an insult to the gods. This she knew as they must of saved her for some reason, she only wished to know why and for what reason. As she wandered and contemplated, she suddenly heard screams of young women and yells of men. She came to an edge of a road, when she saw a merchant and his family being harassed by some bandits. The scene reminded her of what happened to her and her family, as the women were being held back and harassed while the men were being lead else where. Though the bandits didn't exactly seem like they wanted to kill their prey. As she watched the scene unfold, she suddenly felt a large hand on her shoulder. She tried to wiggle free, but she wasn't strong enough to break away from the man's grip. She was brought to the bandit leader who looked at her with interest, as he found her beautiful. He asked where she was from, that was when the merchant perked up and said that she was his servant and that he would give her to him if he let his family go. Taza was shocked that the merchant would sell someone he did not own and that if he did how he would so easily betray her. Her shock was turned into horror as she was now at the mercy of the bandit leader. For two years she was forced to do many things for the man who [i]owned[/i] her. She prayed to the gods every day for deliverance, and one day they heard her cries. All of the bandits fell ill and many died, which made it easy for her to escape. But it was in the middle of winter and Taza was in no way prepared for the challenges that she had to face, as it was spring when she was last on her own. Cold and hungry she prayed again to the gods for help, asking them to give her a teacher. Someone who could teach her how to track and hunt. Again the gods took pity on her and sent her a young ranger. She was freezing and curled up in a ball when the Ranger found her. He nursed her back to health and though she was weary of the man that saved her, she could see that this man was sent by the gods even though he didn't seem to think so. She spent four years with him and he taught her many things from tracking to hunting to self defense and the art of archery. She grew strong and sharp in her skills, though she was no good in hand to hand combat but she knew enough to be able to get away. During the time she spent with the ranger she fell in love and he with her or so she was lead to believe. But it was a lie, as when they visited the village Nevmer, she noticed how he always slipped away for some unknown reason. One day she tracked him , even though he tried his best to cover his tracks, it was then that she caught him sleeping with another woman. What was left of her heart was ripped out of her chest. She left and never looked back. From then on she travelled alone as she now knew how to survive on her own. One day while she was visiting a cities temple (she often visited temples and made offering to the gods), she over heard a mage ranting about how the masses should separate themselves from the enslavement that the gods had placed on them. Taza was shocked and appalled by the mages words, and spoke up saying that they needed to gods, as they had saved her life more than once. But the mage pointed at her and said that she was a fool and a slave to gods that cared little for their supposed people. Many seemed to agree with the mage which only angered her, as they were speaking blasphemy. It was not long after that, that the Gods War started and ended. She watched as the temples grew dark and how the cold covered the land, but she still prays. Why would they save and help her all those time only to abandon her now? She has made few friends in her travels of late, but that matters little now. All that matters now is surviving, just as it always had been with her. [/indent][/color] [b]| CHARACTER MOTIVATION | [/b] [color=gray][indent]To survive, nothing else really matters to her.[/indent][/color] [b]| SKILLS |[/b] [color=gray][indent]Herbology/Healing: When her clan was alive she was learning to be a healer as there was little else a small girl like her could do. Archery: Though she can't fight in hand to hand combat, she is an amazing archer and can kill her target many miles away. Quick, Light and Gone: You see her now and two seconds later you don't. Tracking: Need to know where that person or deer is? Ask Taza, she will find it for you.[/indent][/color] [b]| EQUIPMENT |[/b] [color=gray][indent]A bow and quiver of arrows. A dagger A travelling bag filled with just the basics and a few herbs. Cloak[/indent][/color] [B]| OTHER |[/B] [COLOR=gray][indent]Hello[/indent][/color] [/hider]