[center] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [color=lightblue][h1]Light[/h1][/color] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A [hider=Interacting With:] [b][color=A280FF]Lisa//Captain Kinesis[/color][/b] - [@AbandonedIntel], [color=blue][b]Aja Wilkins[/b][/color] - [@Endrance], [b][color=0072bc]Jennifer[/color][/b] - [@Framing A Moose], [b][color=ed145b]Spencer[/color][/b] - [@Heathen] [/hider][/center] [hr] While Mr. Terror was floating about, doing his little routine, 3 newcomers came to join the group, 2 ladies and a horde of the same guy. While one of the ladies came with Pizza, much to Light's delight, the other lady looked like your average person. And well, an army fo the same guy was interesting in its own right. [color=lightblue]"Hey... Jennifer. I'd take some pizza, but everyone else should eat first. Otherwise I'll eat it all."[/color] Light said to the pizza carrying lady, a toothy grin on her face. Others had taken the opportunity to grab a few slices themselves. The guy with multiple clones of himself was probably the creepiest out of all the newcomers, having sent a clone to everyone including Light herself introducing himself as Spencer. Light was pretty ok with the hovering haunted guy, the cyborg, the guy who apparently had a mask face only, which reminded her of some eldritch thing without the tentacles, but yeah, an army of the same guy.... [color=lightblue]"Oh, uhm, hi. Spencer. I'm Light. Being in more than one spot must be a headache, I get the same problem when I'm crushed sometimes."[/color] Light said to the Spencer clone, shaking his hand. After the newcomers made their entrances, introducing themselves to the group, the two 'coordinator' looking people that had gathered everyone here, began to make a huge speech about the group that everyone was invited in and their history. While Light paid attention, she got pretty bored at the long winded speech, and when Lisa was done talking and asked who wanted to join, Light said. [color=lightblue]"So basically we're superheroes that occasionally do mercenary work when someone buys a contract or something?"[/color] Light didn't really care too much about the occasional mercenary contract, it only made sense with how shady or secretive this group seemed in the first place. The only annoying thing is that she might need to get serious occasionally, but she figured that if she needed to bump someone off, at least they wouldn't suffer. [color=lightblue]"Well, I'm interested. Adventure needs a cost sometimes."[/color] Light said, a smaller grin on her face. She was able to get back to her normal large grinned face though when Lucifer, (Who Light would call Lucy, as that name was much more fun.) asked if there was entertainment at the base. What made the joke better, was some lady with braids came out of the shadow and yelled at her for such a stupid comment, Light breaking into laughter at the absurdity. [color=lightblue]"So, I hope everyone here can get along if we're all going to be on a team."[/color] Light said. Outstretching her arms, she said. [color=lightblue]"Who wants a hug? C'mon, don't be scared of the toon!"[/color]