[@Overlord24] Elenore watched as Avary tried to rid of the bones surrounding him and blushing while doing so. A smirk trailed across her face, [i]"First of all don't tell me to shut up!"[/i] she said a bit stern, but not in a harsh way towards the boy. She shoved him on the arm playfully as to stand her dominance. [i]"Second off, he's IS my grandfather too, so why should I be worried? He's a good leader and he's not going to let any of us get harmed. It's not like any of our parents have helped out much this point so far."[/i] Elenore stated, turning her body so her back is against the chair and her arms crossed across her chest. She had been personally helped by her mother and father here and there, but for the most part they believed it was best to be independent in your studies and to learn life as you go.