[h2][center][color=steelblue][i]Katashi Todo[/i][/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XIFXbzb.png[/img][/center] [hr] Katashi frowned at the near mania that had gripped Anri in the wake of their escape. He knew it was a perfectly understandable reaction to losing one- no, two of their fellow students. Understandable, but a foolish choice that would only bring them anguish in the long run. This had been something that he and Yuriya had hoped to combat with a moment's levity, but the World of Wasted Dreams was truly intent on propagating their misery. At least Anri presented them with one positive light in the darkness. [color=steelblue]"A lighter? Hmm, we could try and get a torch going in case we encounter the Friagne again. Good source of warmth and comfort if we don't burn or blind ourselves in the process. Here, this should help."[/color] He unbuttoned the top layer of his school uniform, revealing the crisp, white undershirt beneath, minute cuts marring it from their encounter with the baby dolls. His fingers dug in and wrenched at the fabric till he could tear off rough strips of cloth, three in total, that left a decent section of his midriff exposed to the cool air before buttoning his over shirt once more. Katashi plucked the offered lighter and gave it to Yuriya along with the strips of cloth. [color=steelblue]"Do you mind keeping ahold of these till we get the other components for a proper torch? With a level head you can make better use of our suppl-"[/color] It seemed that while Katashi was contributing his clothing to their continued survival, Jack had chosen to try and plumb the depths of the sink's drain, which had understandably upset the most experienced of the group in regards to surviving in this twisted world. If he hadn't have been occupied Katashi may well have done as Shizune had, violence included, if only to drive home the sheer stupidity of poking around with the potential dangerous sink [i]after[/i] sealing them inside. He had clearly suggested they seal the door if they intended to rest, not be curious about their environment with no readily available means of escape! So even as Shizune bodily threw the boy away with eerie strength for one her size, Katashi held his tongue. Or at least, he would have, if Alexis didn't fall through the floor from the room they had only just escaped from. Leaving a hole to the room where the Friagne had only just killed Tony and Mii. Seconds after Alexis had settled on the floor, Katashi was at the door, pulling the chair back in one hand while the other latched on the handle, abstaining from opening it in case Shizune had some warning that would lead to him being flayed by monster or student if ignored. [color=steelblue]"Alright, that settles it. Endlessly flowing sinks, [i]and[/i] a hole for that monster to crawl through to get at us? Shizune, unless you have an objection we are leaving for that science lab."[/color] He just hoped Jack and Alexis could move on their own. It would be troublesome if two of their group had to be encumbered carrying them, and if they found something they couldn't drive off it could prove fatal.