[hider=Sonya the Scavenger] [center][h2][color=#6699ff]Sonya Caroline Wallace[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/a01d/th/pre/i/2013/303/f/3/31_10_13_eskimo_by_blakez-d6sgb4o.jpg[/img][/center] Sonya was, once, what people considered to be beautiful. Her pale skin, once a marvelous wonder, has since been almost ruined by dirt and grime which accrued over the years since she the Reborn had come. Her eyes often half closed, bags underneath from many sleepless nights, seem always aware despite the lack of sleep being obvious. Almost underweight for a woman her size, she seems more muscle and bone than anything else. Her disheveled, nearly shoulder length, brown hair is normally kept in a tight ponytail or covered up by a hood. [hr] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 26 [b][u]Sex:[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Height/Weight:[/u][/b] 5’7”, 128lbs [hr] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Sonya is, at her base level, a realist and believes that the chances of survival are ever decreasing. Despite that, she puts on a show for everybody else as an optimist so as to not lower the morale of the Colony anymore than it has already fallen. She does hope for the world to better itself, to fight off a foe which could be beaten even if it seemed inhuman in doing so. Perpetually kind and caring, Sonya comes off motherly to those younger than herself and occasionally doing the same for those who are older. [b][u]Likes:[/u][/b] Being around people, Rain, Summer, and Roses. [b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b] Rations, Gunfire, Combat, and the Cold. [hr] [b][u]Origins:[/u][/b] A small coastal town in Maine. [b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b] Sonya, the only daughter and youngest of four children, lived a sheltered life for the most part in coastal Maine. Her Father worked on a lobster boat and her Mother was a vet, her brothers for the most part left her alone while they roughed each other up. Her oldest two brothers, them being twins, left for the Army together when she was thirteen. They promised her they’d come back together, but they didn’t. Jimmy, the younger twin, came back home with his brother’s body and dog tags. He had never been the same after that, simply sitting at the window and staring out near all day until he committed suicide a few months after Sonya turned sixteen and the Reborn first appeared. They thought to bury Jimmy next to his brother, that is… until he started to move again as if he was alive. Sonya’s Mother was elated, her Father mortified by the appearance of his then oldest son still alive. Sonya knew something was wrong the moment he came back though, men aren’t suppose to get back up after a bullet to the head ya know. Around that time, her other brother moved out and went down to NYC to pursue a career in art. Sonya… she saw first hand how violent the Reborn could be years back when her own brother attacked her Mom. Her Father ran her out of the house and they blocked the doors, leaving Jimmy and the body alone. More and more violence struck up among the Reborn and living in the town and they ran for the hills. They went to NYC, to visit Sonya’s brother at his flat in hopes of finding a safe place to live. What they found was a flat full of his friends, barely any room for anybody to fit but they felt like family after the first few months. They got to know each other and Sonya came to trust them, eventually being allowed to go out with them to scavenge the food from stores. When the first news of the GNYC reached her small apartment family, they were elated. All of them rushed to the Colony and were admitted, quickly gaining back what was at least a mockery of a normal life. Sonya was given a job as a scavenger, one of the few allowed out of the walls. Her agile speed and ability to stay calm around the Reborn made her perfect for the job. It is one she has held for the her entire life in the Colony. [b][u]Profession:[/u][/b] Scavenger [hr] [b][u]Equipment/weaponry:[/u][/b] -Large backpack- Capable of carrying around 50lbs of supplies when necessary. -Lighter- For light of course -Flashlight(Crank powered)- For when she needs a brighter light -Machete- To protect herself of course -Smith and Wesson .45 Colt Revolver- Sometimes you need to protect yourself from more than just the Reborn. 12 rounds available -Pencil and Notebook- For writing important information down or just doodling. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] In her free time, Sonya draws and paints. She isn’t the best artist but she has gotten better of the years. It keeps her mind of the Reborn outside and her hand steady. [/hider]