[@MiddleEarthRoze] Long live the chest hair XD Yeah I get the wanting to branch out a bit, vat-Katari is a real change from who I usually play. More of the bookish mage healer type myself. [@Tackytaff] Sounds like she will fit right in, can't wait to see her =) [@HurrFer] Trust me my skills are far from refined, as long as you can burst out a good paragraph or two you are good in my books. Hmm looking at it e have a real good number of people, so I'm thinking of maybe taking in one or two more people who haven't expressed interest yet then closing us out. If you have contacted me in some way expressing interest you are golden and should feel more than free to throw up a CS. I'm just capping this so I can have a better rein on things, don't want to let this dragon get too big and out of hand you know? Side note I am looking for a Co-Gm, any takers? I just want a co-captain so we don't sink at launch