[center] [hider=Jennifer Teller] [h2][color=0072bc]Jennifer Teller[/color][/h2] [img]http://cdn-img.instyle.com/sites/default/files/styles/480xflex/public/images/2015/09/091515-alexis-bledel-1.jpg?itok=gGjuY7cq[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] On the road to Dock 32A, Dock 32A [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: [b][color=A280FF]Lisa[/color][/b], [b][color=00FF1E]Amado[/color][/b] - [@AbandonedIntel], [b][color=lightblue]Light[/color][/b] - [@Archmage MC], [b][color=0E32CF]Mercury[/color][/b] - [@Gilgex] [/hider][/center] Jenny's giant grin would have grown even bigger at Lisa's comment, but it was already at it's maximum width. The woman liked her speech! At first Jenny thought that the spiel might come across as a bit stupid and awkward, but Lisa liked it! Lisa liked her! Lisa even called her adorable! That was the first time she could remember someone ever called her cute in person! Of course, some of her Tumblr fans had complemented her in similar fashions, but actually hearing the words felt so much better! Sadly, before Jenny could soak in the happiness for too long, for she was interrupted by a blonde young man. Being too tired to look around, Jenny failed to notice that there were duplicates of him, so instead of being surprised, she simply took his hand in hers and shook it. [color=0072bc]"Jennifer Teller, New York."[/color] she said, giving a small nod. It was only then that she noticed the other ones, and her eyes widened a bit, her lips parting in amazement. [color=0072bc]"Woah...that's a lot of you's..."[/color] Then she heard one of him mention pizza. [color=0072bc]"Oh! That's me! I have the pizza!"[/color] she yelled. All of the sudden she was being swarmed by people requesting pizza. First it was the guy with Lisa, then he shadowy guy, then the cartoon (which Jenny had been to tired to question). [color=0072bc]"Don't worry guys, everyone's going to get some!"[/color] she called, before being silenced by Lisa, who began to talk. Jenny was completely attentive during the whole thing. [b][ [color=A280FF][b]"So, how many of you will call yourselves proud members of the Powerbound Alliance?"[/b][/color] Lisa said to finish off the speech. Instead of being impressed or excited, Jenny was puzzled. A few seconds later, she opened her mouth to speak. [color=0072bc]"Wait...that's it? You're just letting us in? But you haven't even seen my résumé. I printed it out and everything."[/color] she said. But Jenny was suddenly distracted when a girl took two slices from the pizza box on the top, which was the cheese. She was going to call the girl out on it, but the girl quickly apologized, so Jenny decided not to. Then, seemingly in an instant, the same girl and the shadowy guy were looking like they were going to kill each other. That was something Jenny didn't want. [color=0072bc]"Hey guys!"[/color] she said, stepping in between the two. [color=0072bc]"You two don't look like you like each other! But, um, why don't you just keep those feelings inside! Over the years, I've learned that expressing your emotions can be dangerous, so instead of expressing them, suppress them!"[/color] Suddenly, Jenny was walking over to the girl. She stopped when she got right in front of her and shoved the box that the cheese pizza was in into her arms. [color=0072bc]"Here! All yours! Just don't kill him."[/color] she then marched back over to the shadow guy and shoved the garlic pepporoni pizza in his arms. [color=0072bc]"Are we all good now?"[/color] she said, stepping back and looking at the both of them, with only the supreme pizza in her arms.