[h3][center][i]Etsuko Tanaka and Ambrosia Nocte // We're Off to See [s]the Wizard[/s] the Lady of Demons[/i][/center][/h3] Etsuko happily received the pats on her head, nodding it when the Divine asked if she was a friend of her "baby boy's." She had already deduced that said baby boy was Christopher and she figured that they were friends, since she did latch onto him after the attack on the castle. No pondering over the meaning of friendship here. Chi was mumbling something under her breath about how [b]"the damned bastard would've gotten lost without me anyway..."[/b] The Divine's joy was contagious and Etsuko found herself smiling almost as much as Calypso normally did. She also nodded her head vigorously when Ambrosia mentioned how beautiful Calypso was. Quietly, she listened as Drosil and Ambrosia exchanged questions and answers. She was surprised to hear that the mage--along with his brother--were Divineborn. She couldn't help but tilt her head slightly as she watched him interact with the Divine. The fortune teller herself had a few questions to ask, but she didn't feel the same hungry curiosity that the mage did when it came to inquiries. As Ambrosia moved to the side and seemed to make her rounds around the group, Etsuko watched with a smile. There was something comforting about watching the patron Divine of Barcea and she could truly understand why she happened to be the Divine of Love. Her personality was extremely motherly and Etsuko couldn't help but giggle as she thought of how similar their motherliness was. Of course, there was probably a large chance that Ambrosia was actually a mother and Etsuko was just...well, herself. She figured it was a rare opportunity to meet a Divine and started to wonder whether she had any questions to ask. Drosil seemed to have asked similar questions to the ones she had thought of. And then, almost suddenly, Etsuko's smile gave way to complete and utter horror when she realized who was present. [b]"O-Oh I-I'm so sorry, L-Lady of the Abyss! U-umm I-I thank you so much for the gift y-you've given me b-but I-I really hope I haven't been using it i-incorrectly o-or anything...W-When I get back to my village, I-I'll be sure to give you a-a proper o-offering a-and if I'm using m-my gift in anyway that displease you, I-I'll stop..."[/b] Baaa. When the Divine turned to face Etsuko and come to a stop, she seemed to drift a little far for just a moment as she did so. She positively beamed at Etsuko, giving a few nods even as she spoke. [b]"Oh, my dear, don't worry at all! You've been doing just fine, I've been completely fine with what you're doing, and so are a few of the others! You're a sweetheart, just keep being like that!"[/b] Etsuko almost cried at Ambrosia's words. [b]"R-Really?"[/b] Ambrosia chuckled gently, before she reached out to gently hold both of her cheeks, giving them gentle squeezes. [b]"Of course, my dear! You're doing just fine! Please don't worry about it at all!"[/b] Etsuko simply nodded her head, trying not to cry tears of joy from the sheer fact she hadn't been misusing her gift. [b]"W-Wait, you said that a few others were pleased as well..."[/b] [b]"Mhm! A few others have noted what you're doing, and they're fairly happy with it!"[/b] Still the Divine beamed. [b]"So don't worry about it at all, you have more than a few Divines on your side!"[/b] She blinked, clearly in awe that one: the Divines were actually paying attention her, and two: a few of them were even on her side. [b]"O-Oh...U-Umm...c-can I know who they are? S-So I c-can thank them properly w-when I get home?"[/b] [b]"Mmmm, I don't think they'll mind..."[/b] Thinking for a moment the Divine soon nodded before saying, [b]"Alright then! Both Yumio and Silvae are happy with what you've been doing with them!"[/b] [b]"The Divines of Freedom and Compassion..."[/b] She looked down for a moment before looking back up, nodding and smiling brightly. [b]"T-Thank you, Lady of the Abyss! I-I'm honored a-and very happy t-that we got a chance to meet a-and talk."[/b] The Divine gave a gentle warm laugh as she nodded, before finally letting go of Etsuko's cheeks once again. [b]"Oh, of course my dear! Just keep doing as you are and I couldn't be any more happy with you! Is there anything else I can do for you today?"[/b] Etsuko shook her head, still smiling. [b]"N-No, u-umm, I-I think that's all I had in mind."[/b] [b]"Alright then! Don't be a stranger now!"[/b] And off the Divine continued, happily humming her way along.