[color=#9900cc] [h3][center]Mara Scelus[/center][/h3][/color] [@Pikmin Eye] Mara was conflicted, to say the least. The pokemon in front of her hadn't harmed her--it hadn't done anything to offend her. It merely had a despicable thug for a trainer. Clearly, Mara knew that any attack she performed on the dwebble would knock it backwards, causing it to fly off of the cliff, and drown in the river. To be honest, the only thing Mara would want to knock into a river was Charley. [color=f26522]"Dwebble, after we beat these guys... Let's take a break to pick you out a nice, shiny new rock. So what do you say, buddy?"[/color] [i]I'll let the dwebble decide its fate[/i], Mara decided. She watched as the dwebble charged at purrloin, despite her begging for it to stop, put down its claws, and show some sense. Instead, it hit the poor purrloin, knocking her out for the count. Biting her lip, Mara looked down at espurr, seeing the pokeball. [color=f26522]"Last one, finish it quickly with another Fury Cutter."[/color] The dwebble charged at Mara's beloved espurr. Frowning, Mara made up her decision. The dwebble had sealed its fate. [color=#9900cc]"Kira! Throw the pokeball over the edge into the river, and then use scratch on the dwebble!"[/color] Mara said, her heart pounding as she watched. If Kira was knocked out, she wouldn't let Charley do anything to her poor pokemon. She'd fight him herself, until she couldn't move anymore. Kira had already done it for her; it made sense for her to do it for him. [color=#d966ff]”Espurr! Espurr! Espuuurrr!”[/color] Kira shouted, tossing the pokeball with all of his might. Hopefully, it fell over the edge, and then was swept away from the river, freeing the dwebble from Charley's control. Espurr then, without a moment's pause, scratched at dwebble with all of his might. It was his every ounce of strength, and Mara stood fast, her hands clenched, as she watched with fear--but hope. This would work. It had to. [hr][i]Location: Route A Current Team: [list] [*][indent]Kira the Espurr [img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Kira%20the%20Espurr_zpsweugvdi2.gif[/img] Status: N/A Level: 7[/indent][/list]Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (800), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)[/i]