[center] [hider= Nyt Årud//Echo Header] [h2][color=#FE2160]Nyt Årud//Echo[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5O6gtkj.gif[/img] [b][u]Location[/u][/b]: [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: [b][color=A280FF]Lisa//Captain Kinesis[/color][/b] - [@AbandonedIntel] & [b][color=FEBFFC]Daphne//Destiny[/color][/b] - [@FantasyChic]. [/hider][/center] [hr] Nyt smiled one last time at Alexandra as shied away and approached the Iron Hand. She looked around at the sea of faces: how in the hell would she ever remember all of these many names and personalities? Not to mention their unique abilities! [color=#FE2160][i]Oi, Nyt… What have you gotten yourself into?[/i][/color], she pondered and moved towards the back of the group to hang out next to Black Cat and Masquerade. As she absentmindedly paid attention to their conversation, her heart began to sink and she found herself getting clammy. She realized she was extremely anxious to continue adventuring with these people and she almost said, “I’m going home,” were it not for Lisa speaking up. [color=#A280FF][b]"So, how many of you will call yourselves proud members of the Powerbound Alliance?"[/b][/color] [color=#FE2160][i]Yes, how many?[/i][/color] She looked around. They all either nodded silently or agreed with all their heart. She could just walk out if she really wanted to – and she did want to; she longed for nothing more than to drive up and down the West Coast one last time. Then she realized… She had finished the Gilmore Girls on Netflix and now was out of ideas for the next show to binge on. [color=#FE2160][i]Crap, I guess I’ll stay.[/i][/color] She gave Lisa a decided nod of approval and a sincere smile. If only her space-bound sister could see her now, ready to take on this world called Earth. She looked around to see if anyone else would be joining them and spotted a fair-haired girl who looked quite startled at the numerous amount of people that had gathered up for the superhero club. She gave the girl a welcoming smile and then looked up at the clear night sky that was twinkling with stars. Her ears became piqued by a sharp metallic sound and she winced hard as her ears picked up several more of them. There was meteorites passing overhead, invisible to most of the people’s eyes as they weren’t in any danger. But Nyt knew they were there – she could hear them. After all that, she began to smile again and pointed up, getting the girl's attention who happened to reveal her name was Daphne. [color=#FE2160][b]”There are some meteorites passing by. I wish we could see them. They’re gorgeous to watch on a night like this.”[/b][/color]