[i]Shit.[/i] She threw the bills onto the counter and looked back at him with those amber eyes of hers. [i]"Thanks for the distraction."[/i] Now more than ever she had reminded him of Trick. Could it be her? NO WAY. It would explain a lot though. That had to be the true explanation for her behavior. Why she hated Black Jack so much. Her talk about nightmares. It was because she was Trick and she had experienced the horrors that he had gone through in what seemed like a past life by now. There was no way he was going to let her be on her own, not after what she went through. Wait, did he actually [i]care[/i] about this chick? NO. He didn't care about any one but himself, and his roommate Bob, but mostly himself. Regardless, he had to know the truth, and hew as going to find out the easy way... or the hard way. "'Ey. Don't walk out on me like this..." There was one way to tell if she was Trick and it was by a simple trick. Pun not intended. In any case, if she was Trick this would give away his double identity. But he didn't care much. It was pretty obvious he was Black Jack, people just didn't pay enough attention to detail. With a small sigh and a smirk, he walked after her. With his hand cupped over his mouth he said quiet enough so only she and any one rather close would hear him. Only Trick would remember the tone and the voice. "Sorry Doll Face, but I don't quite enjoy when the ladies walk away from me like that."