Maria looked towards Jack for a moment as he told her that they were hiding something, which was obviously something that they would do she leaned back into her seat as Jack used his VDA and brought up some files. She froze when a file named Smith had come up, the only Smith on Mars from what she remembered was her sister. And she heard her [url=]sister's voice [/url] over the audio file she was the head medical officer in Mars City she could easily hear and tell the distress in her voice which made her clench her fist. She wished she could have convinced her sooner to leave as soon as possible. Maria went back to thinking about what they had said, she didn't have any other information on anything else that was going on up there and Jack seemed to know way way more then she did. "I honestly don't have a clue, you have the files I am not that connected." Maria said rubbing the bridge of her nose for a moment and sighed as she thought about what she could do. "That file you just played that's my sister, that's the main reason why I came her aside from the executives wanted me up there for." She sighed and started to wonder what was really going on up there, she lost her right arm during an accident last time she was there but she still had a few contacts up there. "But I still have some old colleagues up there." Maria said and lifted her right arm to show that it was robotic. "That's the reason why I ended up leaving the first place, an accident that someone wasn't paying attention." She told Jack. "Once we land i'll try and get into contact with them as soon as possible that's if they aren't missing or dead yet." Maria said as she tried to look at the files once more. "And if you can give me access to a secure computer once we are there I can dig into what really is going on there."